Principal's Report

Art Show
Dear Families,
Last Thursday all families were invited to attend our Art Show from 5-7pm. There was an opportunity to vote for the Orrchibald Award from students in Years 5-6 and everyone was eligible for door prizes. Food trucks were present for families to eat dinner. Thank you to Mrs Orr for her outstanding preparation once again, Miss Bamford for assisting in the organisation , to the many parent helpers and the Social and Fundraising Group (Parent Association).
Congratulations to the following winners of the:
Teachers' Choice Orrchibald Award:
1st Tivona D (Year 6) (Princess Diana)
2nd Raijeli P (Year 6) (Tupac)
3rd Kaavya K (Year 6) (Billie Eilish)
Peoples' Choice Award:
1st Tivona D (Year 6) (Princess Diana)
2nd Mietta G (Year 5) (Selena Gomez)
3rd Isabela M (Year 5) (Hugh Jackman)
Congratulations to Mietta G (Year 5) who received an encouragement award for her "Abby" artwork. She received a beautiful art book donated by the parents of Cody R (Year 6).
P-2 Swimming Lessons
This week Prep-2 students have been participating in intensive swimming lessons at MSAC. Thank you to the many parent volunteers who assisted either on the bus or at the venue.
Walk to School Assembly
Tomorrow morning at 9:00am, we are having a celebration assembly on the Basketball Court to mark the end of Walk to School Month.
The morning will begin with a Walking School Bus. There will be two routes leaving at 8:15 from:
Route 1- Albert Park Library
Route 2: Port Melbourne Library
There will be more stops along the way. Keep an eye on Class Dojo for more information on the routes. Join us for a fun, healthy way to celebrate the end of Walk to School month with Galilee friends!
We would love to see as many of you there as possible. If you would like to volunteer to help out with the event then please email Miss Coome at Thank you to everyone who has volunteered so far! It is going to be a fantastic start to the day.
There will be races, competitions and prizes to be won! We can't wait to see you there.
2020 Classes
If parents have concerns, for social reasons, over classroom placements of their child with another peer, they are asked to send the request to Mr Millar in a hand-written letter or email to the Office, by no later than Thursday November 14th (including the reason). These requests will be kept confidential but there is no guarantee that all can be accommodated. Classroom placements are based upon student friendships and the needs of each individual. Teachers are yet to be given placements for 2020 and requests for teachers by parents will not be considered.
Semester 2 Reports
Staff are currently in the process of writing the Semester Two Reports.
A reminder that there is a School Closure Day next Monday 4th November for Report Writing, GOSH will be running on the day but please book
The Semester Two Report will have the following features and content:
-General Comment
-Victorian Curriculum Progress Page
-Learning Area pages for Religious Education, English, Mathematics, STEAM, Italian, Digital Technology, Visual Art, Performing Arts, Physical Education
Learning Area Assessment Tables
In accordance with Catholic Education Melbourne (CEM) Guidelines for Victorian Catholic Schools, the following score values apply when assessing learning area skills on the assessment table.
A tick in the highlighted columns below indicate student progression in the following ways:
Well Above Standard - 18 months above
Above Standard - 6 months and 12 months above
At Standard - current and 6 months below
Below Standard - 12 months below and 18 months below
Well Below Standard - 2 years below
Please note that the interpretations above are a new direction meaning that marks may vary from previous reports.
Year 1 extended Day
Next Thursday 7 November, the Year 1 students will be participating in their Extended Day Camp Program from 3:30-5:30pm. Students will participate in two incursions, Travelling Kitchen (cooking activities) and Gecko Kids (ball games and fitness activities). Students will be making their own healthy snack to eat in the afternoon. Thank you to Miss Fahy, Miss Cox and Miss Smith for organising the Year 1 Extended Day.
3M Camp
3M students are getting excited for their camp next Thursday. Students are asked to come to school as normal in casual clothes, with their camp items and they will complete a regular school day. After school, students will remain in their classrooms until 4:30pm when they will make their way, via bus, to Melbourne Zoo. Students will then stay onsite overnight and return to school ready for 3:25pm pick up on the 8th November.
Basketball Court
If you currently coach/manage a team training on the Galilee court before or after school, please email Tegan ( the following:
- day of training
- if you train morning or afternoon
- year level who trains
- if you require the same slot in 2020
- your best contact number
Please email Tegan by Friday 8th November as there are a number of groups interested in using the courts for 2020. After this date, bookings can not be guaranteed.
Tegan & Wendy
Jump Rope For Heart
The article below is about to appear in Jump Rope For Heart's Newsletter.
Meet Daniele, a superstar skipper who took part in Jump Rope for Heart in Term 3 at Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School.
“This year I want to raise money for something very special to me and my family. This is especially important to me because this year my Dad died from heart disease and since that happened, I want to raise money to make others aware of this disease and save other peoples lives. I miss my Dad!”
During this time not only did Daniele raise an incredible $11,809 he also logged a total of 6 hours and 5 minutes of skipping!
Galilee Primary School raised a total of $24,100 for the Heart Foundation and we cannot thank them enough. Holly Burke, who did a fantastic job running the program at the school says “the students loved participating in the program, from skipping to making posters and promoting the fundraising at assembly! It has really inspired us as a school community.”
A huge thank you to Daniele and all the students at Galilee Primary School for getting their skipping ropes out and putting their all into such an important cause.
Achievements And Stories of the Students
On the 28th of October the preps had their first swimming lesson. They all took the bus and quickly arrived at MSAC. As they walked out of the bus and opened the doors to MSAC the smell of chlorine wafted in the air. The preps followed the trusted adults who lead them to the change rooms. The preps got changed into their bathers then, from there went into a huge room filled with a few lane pools. The preps from there got into swimming groups and then followed their swimming instructor to their part of the pool. Jack in Prep S felt very excited as he got into the pool, although the pool was cold he got used to it. His group were floating on their backs, learning how to kick and learning torpedo. His group were in the shallow end while learning these things. Jack's favourite part was learning new things like kicking and he can't wait to do more, he believes that if he learns new swimming strokes he will be a great swimmer. He really enjoyed his experience and can't wait to go again for another swimming lesson!
Eliza and Scarlett in 4G have tried out for a rep team. The trials went over a couple weeks and it was for a spot in the Melbourne Tigers team. The Melbourne Tigers is a rep team for basketball out of school. They have both been playing since an early age and they started at Galilee. Eliza had started in prep and Scarlett had started in Year 2. They have both got into a team and are waiting to play in a tournament. This is an amazing achievement. Good luck for the weekend!
Millie and Violet have both made their first marathon in running group. A marathon in running group is equal to 330 laps around Galilee or 42kms. Running group is on every Thursday morning before school and is a good time to have fun, do activities and do some exercise. They made this achievement last Thursday. Well done and keep running!
By Alex and Ali
Congratulations to Kateryna (TheirCare) who gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Nicholas Luke Godfrey, last Saturday 26 October. He is 47cms long and weighs 3760gms.
Galilee Day 25 year Anniversary
SAVE THE DATE - celebrate Galilee Day with us on Thursday 28th November.
Students are invited to dress in 90's theme for a parade at the beginning of the day. They'll then take part in some activities and a sausage sizzle lunch provided by TheirCare, our before and after care provider. The day will conclude with an assembly and a presentation from Rosemary Williamson, a former principal of OLMC and co-principal of Galilee (this will also be shown at the parents' function). At the parent only evening from 7pm, we will have guest speakers, cheese and wine and the DOGS band playing some tunes. Parents are also welcome to dress up in 90's style.
Simon Millar
(Principal of Galilee)