Coral Community
The students have been busy in Coral these past few weeks, with interschool sport, incursions, assessment, buddies as well as our normal learning all taking place.
During this semester students have been learning about Democracy and Social Justice through Inquiry. Students participated in an incursion through Mini Boss where they had to choose an aspect of their school they wished to change and then work with their group to propose a bill and present their ideas. The students were able to showcase their persuasion skills during the presentation, trying to convince the judges to agree with their ideas.
Despite the weather trying to do its best efforts to dampen interschool sport, on Friday 7th of June students from 5/6 competed against Bellbridge in a range of sports from AFL, Netball, Soccer, Volleyball and Softball. All of the students demonstrated fantastic teamwork and school spirit, playing fairly and with great sportsmanship.
Courtney, Heather and Sue would like to wish all the students and families from Coral a happy and restful holidays and safe travels if you are heading off on an adventure to somewhere.
Here are some quotes from some of the fabulous children of Coral to end the term:
“Coral has opened up my eyes to countless things I would have never done alone, our teachers are kind and the students are compassionate but best of all we accept and believe in each other. I’m excited to see where this year goes! “– Stephanie Yr 6
“Coral is awesome and it has the best teachers! “ – Taoa Yr 6
“We love Coral because we have friends and lovable place and the coolest teachers ever! “ – Haider and Tim Yr 5s
“I enjoy Coral because we get to do lots of fun activities every day! “ – Kundana Yr 5