Leader of Student Wellbeing

Welcome back to another busy term. 

This term will see:

Assessment for all year groups, including examinations for Years 7-10

Year 9 Great Aussie Bush Camp (Tea Gardens) Excursion in Week  9

Continuation of Academic Pastoral Care programs on Wednesdays with Mentor Group teachers

Finally, the Pastoral Care Team would like to send good wishes to Year 12 students as they complete their HSC Exams. Some self care strategies suggested:

  • Ensuring a good night's sleep of 8 hours, plus maintaining a normal study cycle, in line with a school day (eg stop study)
  • Take regular breaks - for meals, exercise, sport commitments or down time watching your favourite TV show. Research shows for every hour of study, take a 10 minute break.
  • Part time work should be kept to minimum hours
  • Maintain a healthy diet - cut down on fast food, keep caffeine to a minimum after 4pm
  • Each morning, write a list of all the things you want to achieve, then tick off as you complete them
  • Be in contact with your class teacher - email practice essays, arrange to come to school and meet for a study session

Mrs Sharon Stuart - Leader of  Student Wellbeing