From the Principal

Sacramental celebrations

It is an important time in the Church’s year with the celebration of Pentecost Sunday, Trinity Sunday and the Feast of Corpus Christi over the past three weeks. Many of our Primary students are also receiving their First Holy Communion and being Confirmed to coincide with these celebrations. Preparation for these sacraments occurs at the College and students receive the sacraments through their local parishes.


Last week we also celebrated the feast day of St Aloysius ‘Louis’ Gonzaga (1568 – 1592). St Aloysius joined the Jesuits and as a student helped nurse the sick. He died at the age of 23 and is known as the patron saint of students because of his selfless courage, his compassion and his generosity. Our founding boys’ school, St Louis, was named in his honour.


The name ‘Gonzaga’ also has special significance for the Loreto Sisters. Sr Mary Gonzaga Barry ibvm (1834 – 1915) led the first group of Mary Ward Sisters to Australia from Ireland in 1875. Sr Mary Gonzaga Barry ibvm took St Louis Gonzaga as her patron saint when she joined the Loreto Sisters.


Our College Archivist, Sr Theresa Elliott ibvm, suggests that the significance of the name ‘Gonzaga’ to both the Loreto Sisters and Jesuits meant it was discussed as a possible name for the amalgamated schools of Loreto and St Louis. The final decision of John XXIII College was an inspired choice as it reflected the vision of the founding orders and honoured a Pope who initiated a new age for the Church.


It is wonderful for current students, staff and families be part of this incredible legacy.


Robert Henderson
