Extended Care

Children in Extended Care are enjoying different activities every week. On Friday, children explored different LEGO parts to make their own spinning tops. Children were discussing which parts they put together, how to spin it smoothly, how it moves around, and how the colour and shape changes when it spins. They also put ideas together to paint a rough rock in gold to place it in the Fairy Garden.  


On Tuesday, children have been showing interest in torches.  They chased the light to catch it, lit up multiple magnatiles to make new colours and created their own shadow puppet show.   They were originally using “We are going on a bear hunt” puppets but eventually used their hand as characters while making their own stories.   Children are having so much fun with their imagination! 


Extended care is not only an important service for our families in meeting their work commitments but a chance for children to meet new friends from across all of our kinder groups and to spend time in relaxing and enjoyable shared experiences. A focus is on following children’s interests and enhancing their social relationships and their physical and emotional wellbeing through activities that meet their needs for rest and relaxation as well as active engagement. 


Our Extended Care sessions run on a Tuesday and Friday from 11.10am to 4.30pm. If you are interested in enrolling your child please contact Moira at kinderadmin@oakleighps.vic.edu.au