Kindergarten news

The last two weeks of term are upon us and what a term we have all had! Some of our children have been attending onsite all term, some have been gradually returning over the last week or two and for some they will be returning to onsite kinder next term. For all of our families and staff the challenges of meeting family and work commitments under  the impacts of Covid-19 have been significant. 

As educational leader I want to take this opportunity to extend a massive thank you to all of our staff for adapting to these challenges and working so hard to meet the needs of children both attending and accessing kinder from home. I am sure you understand the increased workload that has been required under the new normal of Covid-19 and the impacts of the considerations in response to all of the changes that have occurred. Thank you to our staff for your professionalism under pressure, for your hard work in keeping kinder safe and healthy and for keeping the physical and emotional wellbeing of children at the front and centre of all that you do. 

I would also like to say thank you to all of our families for adapting so smoothly to new processes and for keeping us going with your positivity and support. 

At kinder across all groups there is a sense of returning to a more normal program, we are loving being able to go to the library again each week and to go to the big school playground. We have had a new delivery of sand for the sandpit last weekend which has renewed an interest in the area across all groups. The children were amazed at the difference "wow, it's like powder, like sand powder!" was one of the comments.

Sand mermaids!
"Desert cakes with palm tree decorations"
Sand mermaids!
"Desert cakes with palm tree decorations"

In numeracy learning across the kinder we have been working on number recognition, counting and ordering and patterning in a variety of ways. We have also been learning about the mathematical concept of symmetry.

We continued our learning in response to reconciliation week through learning about symbols in Indigenous culture, engaging in art through painting snakes and creating bush bouquets. 

In the important dates section of our newsletter you will see that term three looks set to be really fun, we very much look forward to our Drama Toolbox incursion and having our first play with our big school buddies.

Have a great and relaxing break and look forward to seeing everyone back in Term 3.