Teaching & Learning

Greater Shepparton Secondary College have been delighted to welcome back our Year 11 and 12 students (including our Year 10 students who are fast-tracking). Staff have relished in the opportunity to reconnect with the senior students and have ensured that all of the necessary supports have been put in place for a smooth transition from flexible and remote learning to face-to-face teaching.


Next week we welcome back all of our students at Greater Shepparton Secondary College. The excitement from staff around this advancement is inspiring. Students in Years 7-9 will spend significant time in their Learning Mentor groups to ensure that our students feel safe and supported upon their return.


Greater Shepparton Secondary College are committed to continual and consistent school improvement and student voice and agency. To ensure our commitment we have developed an Executive SIT (School Improvement Team) which will oversee whole-school improvement.


Each Campus also has a Campus Improvement Team comprising of a large range of staff and student representation. These teams will meet regularly to set goals around teaching and learning, and engagement and inclusion. These teams will visit classrooms and talk to our students to seek student voice and agency. Students will be asked to share their views on the following questions:


What are you learning? Why?

How are you going?

How do you know?

How can you improve?

Where do you go for help?


Student responses will help the Greater Shepparton Secondary College Leadership Team to gather information that will help us decide what professional learning we need to undertake as a College. The learning walks will also provide students with valuable opportunities to share their ideas and initiatives around school improvement.





Megan Michalaidis


Associate Principal of Teaching & Learning