GSSC Executive Team

Image - Artist Impression


On May 25th, after six weeks of teaching and learning remotely, staff returned to school to prepare for the first stage of students returning to each of our three campuses.  In the week prior, the Principal class team had spent much time preparing for this, and to ensure that all staff and students are safe as they step back into our school.  


It was certainly a reminder of the changes that have become part of our broader society, with social distancing bringing about change to the way that we work together and communicate. 


We have become proficient in the use of various technologies in our teaching and learning, and the use of Microsoft Teams is continuing into our current practice. 


Last Tuesday, the Year 11 and 12 students returned to the McGuire and Wanganui campuses, and it was terrific to see them so enthusiastic about their return.  Although we have managed to stay connected with students in our time away from the school, there is no substitute for the real thing, and to see the staff and students re-engage back into school and their learning was a real highlight of the day. 




In the time since then, staff have combined face-to-face teaching of the senior students, with remote learning for the students in junior classes.  A common sight as you walk around each of the campuses is to see a teacher in an otherwise deserted classroom, delivering an on-line lesson to students in Years 7-10.


At the senior level, we are relieved that there is now certainty about the arrangements for VCE students as they work towards completing their studies this year.  The exams have been delayed by approximately 2 weeks, with the date of the final exam now being on December 2nd 2020.


Adjustments have been made to the course work which will mean that the students are able to complete the required work in time for them to spend the usual revision time preparing for the end of year exams. 


For VCAL students, we look forward to the second half of the year when we expect that students will once again be able to participate in work placements across the community, complementing the work being done while they are at school.


We look forward to welcoming back our students in Years 7-10 next week, and the emphasis for us in their return to the school will be around the wellbeing of each individual student.  


This has obviously been a difficult situation for us all to negotiate, and we understand that returning to school may bring a sense of anxiety to students and parents.  Rest assured that we are very mindful of the need for us all to stay safe, and that our focus in the three weeks before the mid-year break will be very much on the needs of our students. 



Ken Murray

Wanganui Campus Principal


The Executive Team

Greater Shepparton Secondary College