Kindergarten News

Dickins Room


Wimbi and Marram have had a wonderfully busy week, with both groups managing to enjoy the sunshine (but chilly) days. The pebble area has continued to be a hive activity with the children working together to make their many wonderful imaginary treats to eat!


Wimbi have continued their love of painting exploration through the use of watercolour paints on the small easels and using the droppers to continue to develop their fine motor skills and wonder through mixing of colours on paper. The children really enjoyed watching the colours mix, looking for the patterns they could see forming and wondering what would happen with the next drop of colour!


Marram enjoyed engaging in the outside baby care area, which allowed the children to use their negotiating skills on roles they would play and sharing of the equipment. This is enabling the children to engage and contribute in shared play experiences.


On Tuesday we explored kindness and how our actions and words can impact on the people around us. We ended the day with a photo slide show, showing the children how they had been doing kind acts throughout the day. We reflected as a group where we have noticed our peers being kind. It was a lovely way to end our day!


We extended our kindness discussions on Thursday with the introduction of a kindness tree, where the children can reflect and allocate a kindness leaf by doing kind things for their friends and teachers. At the end of the day we read out all the kindness leaves and the children got to put them on our tree. We will continue with this activity over the coming weeks. The children are developing the ability to act with compassion and kindness to their friends and teachers.


Kara, Al and Mardi

Moore Room

We have had a great week and it is so nice to have nearly everyone back – smiling and settling back nicely into the kinder routine.


Jo bought in some cardboard and loose parts and we let the children decide what they could be used for. Budja group worked on a group project over the week making a house and then a garden to go with it. Gawarn group explored their own ideas making boats, flower beds and race track runs. Both groups were amazing in sharing the provisions whilst engaging in new challenges and demonstrating the needs and rights of others.


Construction seems to be the interest and exploration for both groups as they utilise the block area to make a children’s hospital, lego houses and transportation, pulling apart and re-creating the duplo vehicle’s, small wooden blocks – using a lot of symmetry whilst contributing constructively to mathematical ideas, concepts and discussions.


Outdoors the children are very keen mark making with the chalk, using the road signs and map making with spades to provide a path to a chocolate factory – all fantastic examples of pre literacy and math skills. There has been much discussion from both groups around ‘babies’ and other roles in families so an area has been set up for further exploration.


Thank you all for the wonderful way you have met our guidelines with the new entry and exit procedures for drop off and pick up – we very much appreciate your understanding and patience.


Have a superb week!


Kelly-Anne, Treesje, Julie and Jo