Discovery Centre


Selamat Datang (Welcome) back Foundation! 


It was our first week back at school since Remote Learning and we must admit, we were blown away by the amount of perseverance we saw in the Discovery Centre! After running through our Bubble Welcome, students returned to class to settle back in and share their experiences of Remote Learning. Many students enjoyed discussing their favourite Remote Learning activities! We are incredibly grateful for our Parents and Families who supported Foundation Students during their Remote Learning and transition back to school. Terima Kasih!


G-G-Goose! G-G-Grandma! G-G-Green! G was the letter of the week! We practiced our handwriting of both upper-case and lower-case letter G's, sounded out the sounds that the letter G can make and shared words beginning with the letter G for our classroom poster! Students used their knowledge of the Codes to find the letter G and sound out G words. Students also demonstrated creativity in completing their letter G Goose! They all look so great and we are looking forward to displaying these in the Discovery Centre!


The creativity continued to flow in Maths, where we focused on Data and Graphing. Students used data from a picture of Animals , to count and represent how many of each animal there was. Collecting Data was also a big focus for the Discovery Centre. We worked collaboratively to discuss and represent our favourite seasons in a whole-class graph. Students also worked hard to collect data from their peers to find out their Favourite Remote Learning Activity. Students practiced using tally marks and ensured they did not ask the same classmate twice! The Discovery Centre also enjoyed a Maths Activity which involved MnMs! How many of each colour MnM is in one packet? Which colour will be the most or least ? How many MnMs will there be when we open up the packet? Students made some estimations and discussed their guesses before opening their packets to answer these burning questions! After demonstrating different ways of grouping and counting the colours of their MnMs , students represented their findings in a Graph. Once we finished our graphs and compared our findings, students enjoyed their special treat!


Wash your Hands, Wash your Hands, Everybody come along and Wash your Hands! Foundation Students have been cleaning their hands at least 5 times a day as part of our Daily Routine. We are so impressed by their careful hand-washing skills, especially before and after eating. Well done Foundation Students!


What else needs water? Plants of course! Students discussed the needs of a plant , which will help us to make our Bean seeds grow! After planting their seeds, students worked hard to complete the date and fill in their Plant Journals. We look forward to growing our seeds in the classroom and cannot wait for them to sprout!


In recognising National Reconciliation Week and Sorry Day, the Discovery Centre participated in learning about several Indigenous Perspective Books, Dreamtime Stories, Songs and Activities. Students learnt the meanings behind the colours used  in both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Flags, before using their fine-motor skills to carefully colour in and rip paper to create their own version of these important flags. Students practised drawing and describing the start, middle and end of and Indigenous Story and used creativity to draw three different events. We usually practice our Welcome to Country in our Junior Assembly, but this week ,  Assembly was brought to our classrooms!

The Discovery Centre enjoyed our Pupil Of The Week presentation in our classroom with Mrs Streitberger. We worked hard to demonstrate attentive listening and applauding our peers!


Students also discovered our amazing new Web! Whilst the Foundation Teachers may not be brave enough to climb all the way to the top, the students had no problem showing us how it's done! Foundation have enjoyed climbing on the Web during Brain Breaks, Recess and Lunch! 


Well done to the Discovery Centre on such an amazing first week back to onsite learning! 


Foundation Team

Erin Dawson, Jessica Tossell, Brooke Henwood and Yana Gill. 

MnM Graphs
Collecting Data from peers
In-class Pupil of the Week presentation
Carefully planting our seeds
Fun on the Web
Carefully washing our hands
Plant Journals
Sorry Day
Whole-Class Graph
Discovering more about the Aboriginal Flag
Using our Codes to sounds out words
MnM Graphs
Collecting Data from peers
In-class Pupil of the Week presentation
Carefully planting our seeds
Fun on the Web
Carefully washing our hands
Plant Journals
Sorry Day
Whole-Class Graph
Discovering more about the Aboriginal Flag
Using our Codes to sounds out words

Student Voice

We learnt that the Red Colour in the Aboriginal flag represents the Red Ochre Paint as well as the Earth. 


Why was the colour Red chosen to represent the land in the Aboriginal Flag?


'Maybe Australia was all red with sand in the olden days' - Ollie, FG

'Because it was hot and sunny making the grass red' - Arnab, FG

'I think that the sun was shining a red colour' - Sahib, FG

'Because it is bright!' - Samreet, FG


  • Students to bring their own Drink Bottle as shared Drink Taps are not in use.
  • Remember to pack Orange Folder everyday for safe transport of Take Home Books and Notices
  • School begins at 8:50am, we advise you to arrive at 8:45 at the front entrance of the school to ensure Foundation students have sufficient time to meet their Classroom Teacher in the courtyard and be ready to learn. 
  • Junior Cross-Country has been postponed to a later date due to weather conditions. We will update parents and carers once this has been rescheduled.
  • Friday 5th May Curriculum Day - No school
  • Monday 9th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday - No school

Pupil of the Week

FD: Matilda F -

For demonstrating a love of learning when completing your M&Ms graph in Maths. You worked hard to organise the colours and to answer questions about your graph. Super work Matilda! 


FG: Harriet L -

For your incredible efforts in the classroom during our first week back! You have shown perseverance in completing tasks, including your Bean Experiment. You worked hard to set up your experiment and complete your Journal Entry. Well done Harriet! 


FH: Ashley T -

For being such a reliable and helpful member of our class! You worked as a part of a team to keep our new play areas, including our Pizza Shop, neat and tidy. Fantastic efforts Ashley! 


FJ: Liam W -

For demonstrating perseverance and teamwork when planting your seeds for our Guided Inquiry unit on Change. Once you planted your own seeds, you helped your classmates to plant their seeds. Great work Liam!