Inquiry Centre


What a wonderful feeling it is to be back! We all did our best while working from home but it sure does feel good to be back working with our students, your beautiful children. While it has been strange coming into school with our changed entry and cleaning procedures from the perspective of the 1/2 teachers it has been fantastic to get back to school with our classes. If there is any clear silver lining to our recent ‘Remote Learning’ experience it is highlighting the importance of how we support each other, not just through our challenges, but everyday. We have been blown away by the support we have witnessed from families as you supported your children from home and in the words and acts of kindness and thanks as we returned last week. The 1/2 team has returned enthused and energised to support our students face to face again. Being able to work with your children face to face again is just brilliant, thank you! 


In Numeracy, we have spent the first four days back consolidating our place value knowledge so we can move confidently towards exploring addition and subtraction together this week. We focused on key skills through games, some of which we saw on SeeSaw, and then moved to focus on open number lines as the week came to an end.


In Literacy, we began the week with a ‘Reconciliation Week’ theme by investigating books written by Indigenous Australian authors as we made and shared text-connections together. In Writing, we reflected on our time learning from home, recounting what we were proud of, the challenges, and what we enjoyed the most. We used this writing focus to edit by targeting capital letters, full stops, and use connectives such as ‘because’ and ‘and’ to add details to our writing. We also worked together to use our visualising skills as we worked to illustrate our own versions of ‘Where the Wild Things Are’. It was interesting to discuss how some of us were influenced by our memories of the book or movie as we compared the original to our own.


Thank you again for a brilliant week. It is an honour and a privilege to work with your children and we cannot overstate how much it means to us to be able to work with them again. Thank you MPRPS Families!

Student Voice

‘It has been fun seeing my friends after such a long time!’ - Parezae, 1/2W

‘This has been the best week ever!’ - Yasmine, 1/2W

‘I have enjoyed playing with my friends on the monkey bars again, and doing math because it was relaxing.’ - Saumya, 1/2O 

‘Practising my handwriting has helped me get better.’ - Tanmay, 1/2W

‘I have enjoyed seeing all of my friends and teacher.’ - Jasper 1/2O


  • Please read the Principals Message for entry an
  • Bring a drink bottle to school.
  • Friday 5th May Curriculum Day - No school
  • Monday 9th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday - No school

Pupil of the Week

1/2BR: Shriya D - 

For showing courage and confidence when sharing some of her Remote Learning experiences.


1/2E: Tilly N - 

For demonstrating perseverance and creativity when making your paper collage and acrostic poem! You worked hard to include neat handwriting and adjectives to describe yourself ! Great work Tilly! 


1/2H: Charlotte Z- 

For showing a love of learning and teamwork when completing your place value choice board. You did an excellent job applying your knowledge to help you solve different problems. Keep up the amazing work Charlotte!


1/2K: Jude M - 

For demonstrating perseverance in Maths when completing your open number lines. You came across a challenging question and listened to your inner-coach to help you persist until you solved the problem. Keep up the awesome work Jude! 


1/2O:  Emily W - 

For demonstrating a love of learning and leadership as we learned about open number lines together. You carefully connected the language of fractions to our open number lines while adding and describing keywords to our class list. Excellent work Emily!


1/2P:  Amelie B - 

For showing bravery and positive energy in returning to school learning. The teamwork and leadership skills you showed when teaching others how to play your board game was very impressive! Keep up the great work Amelie!


1/2W:  Ally W - 

For demonstrating bravery when sharing your ideas in class discussions. You have engaged with your peers and shown the character strength of teamwork when solving maths problems.