Our Catholic Identity

World Environment Day - 2020

Last Friday June 5, was World Environment Day. It is a United Nations-led event that is celebrated each year.


Since it began in 1972, it has grown to become a global platform for public outreach that is widely celebrated across the globe.


World Environment Day is a day for everyone around the world to take ownership of their environment and to actively engage in the protection of our earth.


It is a day that strives to raise awareness and encourage action for the environment, offering an opportunity to reflect on accomplishments and renew our resolve in overcoming the environmental challenges facing the world today.


This year’s theme is all about nature and celebrating Biodiversity.

As a school community St Joseph’s cares for God’s Creation in many ways such as:

  • Picking up rubbish and ensuring it is put in the correct bin
  • Composting food scraps
  • Using reusable containers to minimise waste
  • Tending to the vegetable patch


Suz Marden will explore the reality of Living in Liminal Time particularly in connection to our current context of COVID-19. During this episode Suz will pose a number of questions greatly worth reflecting on as we seek to find the gift in this unprecedented time in which we live. You may like to draw on a journal and pause the episode in order to give yourself time to reflect more deeply on these questions and the concept of liminal time.



Meditation 3 - LETTING GO

Sacramental Programs and Celebrations of the Sacraments

Preparation for and celebration of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion for children will be postponed until further notice.