Principal's Page

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,


This week we have continued the current phase of the return of students to school and measures for minimising the risks of COVID-19 at St Joseph's. I am always so grateful for the privilege of leading the St Joseph's school community because of the support and cooperation of parents and carers, the commitment and excellence of an outstanding staff, and most of all students who are respectful, responsible, focused on learning, and at this time, extra diligent in keeping themselves and other safe.


Until further notice, we will continue our current procedures for morning drop off and afternoon pick up. Expectations for hygiene within the school remain for students and staff. I ask that parents not enter the school grounds except for the school office.


Parent/ Teacher Conferences 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are a part of the Semester 1 reports and will be conducted  throughout Week 9 and 10 of this term. 


We are unable to facilitate face to face meetings but you will be able to meet with your child/ren's class teacher/s via Zoom or phone.  


Bookings for Parent/Teacher Conferences will open on Friday 12 June at 4:00 pm via the COMPASS Parent Portal


When Will the Canteen Open?

Great news! Next week, we open our school canteen again.  Recess and lunch ordering will begin from Tuesday.


However, we will celebrate with a special cup cake day on Monday. The cup cakes must be pre-ordered by 5:00 pm this afternoon and the details are below.  


Keeping students and volunteers safe is a priority and so there will be a few measures in place to reduce the likelihood of transmission of COVID-19. These include:


All recess and lunch orders need to be made online. No money will be handled and students will not be able to make over the counter purchases with cash. 

Please order via Quickcliq


The usual menu will be available. Sushi is yet to be confirmed.


Physical distancing

Parent volunteers will be limited to two in the canteen and remain 1.5m from other adults and students. They will serve food from behind protective screens. Students will collect recess orders and lunch time snack orders from the canteen. Lunch orders will be delivered to classrooms by students.



The canteen will be fully supplied with gloves, paper towels, antibacterial soap, hand sanitiser and cleaning supplies. 

Canteen volunteers will be required to abide by the following measures:

  • wash their hands with liquid soap upon entry into the canteen
  • regularly hand sanitise throughout the day
  • cough into their elbow, dispose of used tissues into the bins and wash hands after use
  • wear gloves when preparing food


The school cleaner will clean high touch surfaces after recess and volunteers will clean after lunch to ensure the canteen is clean and safe for afternoon OOSH.



Volunteers must be healthy, displaying no symptoms and not sick. No volunteer waiting on COVID-19 test results will be permitted onto school grounds until a medical clearance is provided. Any volunteer who is vulnerable or has a serious health condition should not volunteer for the canteen until further notice.

If you are a canteen volunteer and are sick, stay at home. 


Volunteers with pre-school age children are able to bring the child to canteen but must stay at home if the child is sick on the day. 


Please see the Canteen page of this newsletter for volunteers. rosters and other canteen information.


Many thanks to Kim Liplyn and Liz McMahon for their assistance in reopening the canteen. 


Have a wonderful week.

For all things at St Joseph’s, give thanks!

Jen Charadia

St Joseph's Cupcake Day Monday 15 June



The canteen will be opening again very soon. To celebrate, we will be having a special cupcake day on Monday 15 June 2020.


The cupcakes will be vanilla flavoured with chocolate or strawberry icing.  A gluten/dairy free option will also be available.   All cupcakes are $3 each.


Cupcakes can be ordered via Quickcliq through the Events tab please see link below.



School Handbook

What do I need to do if my child is sick?

If your child is sick they must stay at home.


What do I need to do if my child is sick before school?

If a student is sick they should stay home and get tested. While this may be inconvenient, it will be incredibly inconvenient for many other parents if their children become sick or if the school is required to close.


If your child has been tested for COVID-19 please notify the school immediately. The child should remain at home while awaiting the test results. The school MUST be notified of a positive test result. A medical clearance certificate should be provided after a COVID-19 tests and the students should only return to school once he or she has fully recovered. Siblings are allowed to attend school if they have no symptoms.



What if my child is unwell at school?

Given the presence of COVID-19 coupled with the commencement of the influenza (flu) season, I wanted to brief you on what to expect if your child presents unwell at school. The first symptoms of COVID-19 and flu are similar, in that they both can cause fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat and shortness of breath.


Throughout this period, I ask that you keep your child at home if they are unwell. In the event your child is unwell at school the normal processes apply: Your child will be cared for at school in the sick bay by school office staff who are qualified first aid officers, while they await collection from an appropriate parent/carer.  


The school has Personal Protective Equipment in order to support students and staff. Students who present to the sick bay will be provided with a medical mask to reduce the risk of transmitting droplets or respiratory fluids. The first aid officer who is assisting the student will also be wearing a medical mask and gloves. The student’s temperature will be taken using a non-contact thermometer to assess severity of presenting symptoms (note that regardless of the child’s temperature, all students who present unwell will be sent home). 


When the parent/carer of the student collects their child from school, a letter will be provided to them, which outlines the steps required for the student to be able to return to school. These steps include gaining a medical clearance certificate and only returning to school once the student has fully recovered. 

Principal Awards and Merit Awards

The following students will receive their Principal Awards at our online Assembly on Tuesday 23 June 2020.

Scarlett H Yr4 - 4th

Patrick J Yr5 - 1st

Noah D Yr1 - 1st

Jude R Yr1 - 1st

Isaac W Yr3 - 3rd

Jesse D Yr6 - 5th

Brock C Yr - 1st

Kobi C Yr3 - 3rd

Acknowledgment to Country

St Joseph's Bulli acknowledges and pays respect to the Dharawal people past and present, the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is built.