Sports News

Faction Sports Carnival

It was a wonderful sea of colour at Noranda Sporting Complex yesterday for our Faction Sports Carnival. The children performed their events with enthusiasm and great sportsmanship. The overall results were incredibly close.

4th Veritas 3315

3rd O’Mara 3450

2nd Dominica 3462

1st Goretti 3513


Congratulations to the Age Champions who received their medals in front of our whole school community. Points were allocated for all individual track events and the field events of long jump, discus, turbo javelin and shot put.

Year 3 Girls                                                                                         Year 3 Boys

1st Amber                                                                                              1st Oscar

2nd Lily                                                                                                   2nd Zane

3rd Sophie                                                                                             3rd Taj & Antoni

Year 4 Girls                                                                                          Year 4 Boys

1st Ella S                                                                                                 1st Luca

2 Fatemeh                                                                                              2nd Aidan

3rd Zahra                                                                                                3rd Isaac         

Year 5 Girls                                                                                           Year 5 Boys

1st Tiana                                                                                                  1st Ben

2nd Chloe                                                                                                2nd Leo

3rd Emily                                                                                                  3rd Alex B

Year 6 Girls                                                                                            Year 6 Boys

1st Siena B                                                                                               1st Kye

2nd Samantha                                                                                        2nd Ethan

3rd Angela                                                                                                 3rd Adam


A massive thank you goes to Craig Dropulich for his efficiency at the starting line. He kept our track events on time all day! Also to the Year 5 parents who helped at the long jump pits and to those parents who helped ‘officiate’ at the team games. Lastly, to the Scott family and the many others who helped to pack up and return all of the equipment needed for the day.

CPSSA Inter-school Athletics Carnival

The CPSSA Inter-school Athletics Carnival will be held on Friday 26 October at the State Athletics Stadium in Floreat. Letters were sent home today. If your child received one, please return these ASAP. OLA will need to provide two officials for a field event and additional helpers for duties such as ribbon givers. Please email me if you are able to assist with this.

Running Club

A reminder that Running Club has moved to Tuesday morning for this term. With the lovely Spring weather it is a perfect chance to get in a few laps at Waverley Reserve before school, 8am at Waverley Reserve.

Swimming Club

Swimming Club commences this Wednesday morning at Chisholm Catholic College Pool. If we could gather at the doors to the pool so students can jump in the water at 7.00. It is of vital importance that we vacate the carpark by 7.45, so please consider this when your child is changing after training.


Jodie Stewart

Sports Teacher