Principal's Message

A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates

Loving God help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally. Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive. Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Swimming Lessons PP - Year 3

This Monday, 15 October, is the final day to enrol your child for Swimming Lessons. Please see the attached documents for more information.

Athletics Faction Carnival

What an amazing day we had yesterday at the OLA Athletics Carnival. A huge thank you to Mrs Stewart for her hard work with organising and running the event. Thank you also to Mr Dropulich for being a fantastic starter and to Mrs Samuels for running the canteen. All proceeds from the coffee sales will be going to the P&F and straight back into the school. For the results from the day, please see the Sport section of this newsletter.

Sacrament of Penance

This weekend our Year 3 students will be making their commitment to the OLA Church community in preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Penance. Please keep these children in your prayers during this special time.

Regional Spelling Bee Results

Congratulations to the children who competed in the Regional Spelling Bee at St Paul's today. Our competitors were:

Year 3 - Kylie and James H

Year 4 - Isabella and Prashanth

Year 5 - Tahlia and Daniel

Year 6 - Tahlia and Frankie

Well done to all of these students who attempted each word confidently and with a smile on their face! Thank you for proudly representing OLA.

End of Year Concert

On Wednesday, all students from Kindy to Year 6 started dance lessons with Footsteps. These lessons will culminate with an end of year concert on Friday 30 November at 6pm. Please mark this date in your diary as it is a school event and attendance of all children is encouraged. It will be a wonderful way to celebrate the end of 2018 and see your child's dance item. Information about costumes will be emailed to all families later in the term.


Just a reminder that assemblies will commence at 2.15pm for the remainder of the year.

Welcome Back

We warmly welcome Mrs Meyerkort back from her Long Service Leave break. Mrs Meyerkort joins the OLA Support Team and will be working closely with our students.

Pertussis - Whooping Cough

Please be advised that there has been a confirmed case of Pertussis in the school community. A fact sheet has been attached below for further information.

Have a great weekend!


Greg Martin
