Cultural Diversity and Languages

Celebrating Culture and Languages at Koonung 

The Language Perfect Cultural Diversity Competition was a highlight of Cultural Diversity Week. Many hours of language study were rewarded with great prizes, generously donated by Education Perfect.

Congratulations to the following winners:

  • YR 7CD French won the pizza party!
  • Derek Liau (Year 7 French)
  • Sinead Ling (Year 7 Japanese)
  • Cara Bollard (YR 10 Chinese)

Cultural Diversity competition 

Students also celebrated this week by creating something that related to their own family, or the culture they are studying through the languages of Chinese, Japanese or French. 

The cultural richness of the Koonung community was showcased through an amazing display of activities such as cooking, dancing, painting and filmmaking. We had so many entries that reflected much thought and effort. For many it was a time to connect with their family and spend time together celebrating culture, language and creativity!

Every entry deserved a prize, however we want to particularly recognise the following students, who will receive a small token when we’re all back together again at Koonung:


Years 9 and 10

  • Keiko Rice and Amelie Storrar-Carey
  • Tahlia Vosnakis
  • Mairna Ely

Years 7 and 8 

  • Clio Vassilades
  • Radin Pakniak Jahromi
  • Leah Chan
  • Annabelle Field

 Annabelle in Year 7 wrote, “Cultural diversity is so important at Koonung, and everywhere. We need to be accepting and respectful of everyone, no matter what their culture is. Practising different recipes from all over the world embraces culture, and that is why I made crème brûlée”.


Tahlia documented a cooking session with her Nana.

“About a month ago, when we could still visit, I went to my Nana’s and she taught me how to make her delicious jam kiflice or ‘rolls’. She seemed very excited to see me. As we worked, we told each other jokes- sometimes slowly because of the language barrier - and I took photos along the way so I didn’t forget how to do it. I was determined to be able to make them on my own some time.

Overall, the experience was much more than just spending time with her- it was about passing down tradition (since it wasn’t passed to the generation above mine), learning new things, and remembering that we are family and will be there for each other, even through pandemics.

Our shared culture enabled us to find a common ground and entertain each other during an unlikely time. We became closer during those two days of baking than ever before, and at the same time, a much-loved Croatian tradition was passed down the generations so that we can continue to embrace our diversity. 

Though the word ‘diversity’ itself refers to variations or divergence, in this case, our diversity brought us together.”


Thank you to all the students and families who made this week so special, and thanks again to Language Perfect for their generous support.


Here are some of the amazing entries received, varying in form from video presentations to power points!

Competition winner - Years 9 and 10

Keiko Rice and Amelie Storrar-Carey  (Year 10) - Tarte tatin


Please take the time to view the following video which is the work of Amelie who is cooking the tarte tatin while Keiko is filming. The recipe is recited in French. 

Tahlia Vosnakis - baking with her grandmother 




Click on the following link to read about the lovely connection between Tahlia and her grandmother.


Mairna Ely 9F



Open the link and travel the world with Luna and Ryan - a wonderful story book written by Mairna. 



Competition winners - Years 7 and 8


Clio Vassilides 7C - Traditional Greek dancing 

Radin Pakniat Jahromi 7F

Radin, playing a beautiful Iraqi music composition 

Leah Chan 8E

My art piece was inspired by my culture and that we can share it with anyone no matter race. I embraced my culture by drawing red packets which is a popular item that seniors give to younger people. We perform this during Chinese New Year which takes place on the 12th of February. I  spent around 2-3 hours per day on my piece, to ensure that I had completed it. This is my first art piece that I had drawn hands in with colour but surprisingly, I found drawing the red packets the hardest. I enjoyed this project as it has helped me with my creativity and symbolism in my art pieces. Hope you enjoy my piece as much as I do.


Annabelle Field 8F



Cultural diversity is so important at Koonung, and everywhere. We need to be accepting and respectful of everyone, no matter what their culture is. Practicing different recipes from all over the world embraces culture, and that is why I made crème brûlée. 





The enthusiasm and involvement from students was excellent - here are further samples of the many submitted entries:

Akash Singh
Gabi & Taneka
Lucas Manariti
Sky Or
Candy Feng
Thomas Castaneda
Benjamin Teo
Georgia Fleming
Sinead Ling
Sinead Ling
Siobhan Ling
Miko Teng
Zoe Chong
Shaylea Sharp
Michaela Poon
Lucy Niu
Charlotte McVie
Siobhan Ling
Akash Singh
Gabi & Taneka
Lucas Manariti
Sky Or
Candy Feng
Thomas Castaneda
Benjamin Teo
Georgia Fleming
Sinead Ling
Sinead Ling
Siobhan Ling
Miko Teng
Zoe Chong
Shaylea Sharp
Michaela Poon
Lucy Niu
Charlotte McVie
Siobhan Ling