
Brass Concert in remote learning

Online concerts have become a common feature during 2020 and it is no different at Koonung where music teachers have had to rethink teaching practices to try to discover more effective ways of  teaching music in the absence of a classroom or auditorium.   Some of our Koonung brass students have enjoyed getting together online, to perform pieces they’ve been learning during Term 3. Participants included Tehmi Harding, Jack Stabek, Vinay Lad  and James Lonnen. 


Sue Cook  

Brass Teacher


Student performances 

One thing lock down hasn't stopped is the ability to celebrate the musical talents of our students online. Please enjoy the following performances, the first is Year 12 student Elisha Punay singing "She used to be mine" written by Sara Bareilles. This is followed by Year 10 student Tiana Clegg performing "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman.