Sport Captain

Over the past couple weeks CaSSSA sports has resumed, with three games already played by the large number of teams we have this year - in Touch Football, Basketball, Soccer, and Netball.  It is so important that all the girls are committed and turning up to training sessions and games.  We are all one team and remember, it’s not the team with the best players that win.  It’s the players with the best team that wins!


As Seniors are nearing their final exams, many are stressed and anxious.  However, participating in physical activities is a great way for not only Seniors but students in all year levels to relieve stress if they find themselves worried over assessment.  Being active for only 30 minutes a day can change the way they feel and help them get on top of stress. Activities can include going for a jog or walk around the neighbourhood. 


Not only does exersise help with relieving stress but so does eating healthily and good sleep.  Eating healthily ensures that you will stay healthy and also have the energy and resilience that you need to deal with overwhelming and stressful situations. 


When teenagers are experiencing stress, poor sleep often follows, which overall sets up a poor sleeping pattern.  The girls should at least be getting eight hours' sleep every night, and they should avoid screen time for at least 30 minutes before they head to bed. 


Overall, it is so important in the next couple of months that the girls maintain a good sleeping schedule, exercise daily, and uphold a healthy diet, because it will not only help their wellbeing but, as final assessments are fast approaching, it will help them relieve stress when they are overwhelmed. 

Emma Winstanley

Sport Captain