Student Work Exemplars

Even during remote learning and lockdown, our students continually do their best and demonstrate a fantastic effort to their studies. Below are some examples of work that has been submitted this term which we think is awesome. 


Thank you to these students for allowing us to publish their brilliant work! 


Manh Hoang 9F
Mia Deverala 8A
Abbey Sidebottom 9C
Aiden Truong 8A
Abby Tait 9A
Alessandrea Cabuyadao 8A
Bailey Tamarapa 9G
Joseph Passi 9A
Millian Ayeligne 9B
Millian Ayeligne 9B
Andrew To 9G
Brendon Pham 7F
Brendon Pham 7F
Calvin Lin 9F
Aleksandra Kisfalusi 9B
Manh Hoang 9F
Mia Deverala 8A
Abbey Sidebottom 9C
Aiden Truong 8A
Abby Tait 9A
Alessandrea Cabuyadao 8A
Bailey Tamarapa 9G
Joseph Passi 9A
Millian Ayeligne 9B
Millian Ayeligne 9B
Andrew To 9G
Brendon Pham 7F
Brendon Pham 7F
Calvin Lin 9F
Aleksandra Kisfalusi 9B