Term 3, Week 10

Home Learning


PYPX 2020 (Week 3)

Important notices

On Wednesday the 16th September, teachers will have their planning day. This will involve a normal day for students, however no google meet sessions on this day. 


The weekly Grade 6 Leadership Team meetings will take place on Thursday instead of Friday this week. This will make way for an end of term celebration google meet on the last day of term!


Students are encouraged to continue researching their exhibition topic throughout the school holidays. However, please be aware teachers will not be responding to emails during the break. We thank you for your continued support and please don't hesitate to contact us via compass with any questions or queries. 



Welcome to Exhibition Week 3.  This week, students focus on research and acquiring their primary and secondary resources.  


All of the writing, reading and UOI lessons for this week have been combined into one 'Exhibition Plan' slides document.  Student's will continue working on paraphrasing to help them collect and record their research. Paraphrasing is important because it shows that the children  understand the source well enough to write it in their own words.  


It is important for students to understand that the researching stage of exhibition needs to be completed by the first day of term 4. During week 1 of next term, students will be starting and finishing the written component of their exhibition. It is vital that students have enough research completed to begin their written component straight away. 


Students should have 1-2 mentor meetings before Friday. It is the student's responsibility to contact their mentor and organise these meetings.


Students are encouraged to continue researching their exhibition topic throughout the school holidays.


The students will complete assessments this week on Essential Assessment. They will complete three tests (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability), independently and with no calculator.



We encourage and celebrate student voice in Grade 6. If students have any concerns or questions, they can comment or post on either the whole cohort or individual class Google Classrooms. Teachers receive notifications when students post and will respond when possible. Students should also communicate questions and ideas relating to learning with each other using the two Google Classrooms. This will keep them connected and allow them to see each other's progress.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email your child’s teacher through compass. 



REMINDER: It is a requirement for all students to attend their Google Meet sessions each day. 

Information about your child's Google Meet sessions will be posted on their individual class Google Classrooms. These sessions may vary in time and length over the following weeks as we work through the beginning stages of Exhibition. It is an expectation that your child attends their sessions each week. 


Children must have Google Classroom notifications turned on to ensure they are receiving communications from their classroom teacher and their peers. It would be useful if students checked the Google Classroom each day, both in the morning and again in the afternoon, to see if new information or tasks have been added.

Specialist Team

The Specialist team will be organising tasks for the students and these are shared on the students' weekly timetable. Please contact Mrs Travis or Mrs Goosey if you have any questions. 

Hearing Unit

Parents of Hearing Unit students, please continue to refer to your child’s weekly HU program. Please contact your child’s Teacher of the Deaf with any queries.