parent information

Chapel Offerings

Term 3 Chapel Offerings will benefit Maranatha Health. 

Did you know it costs $80 for a Basic Set of Protective Equipment for Ugandan Health Workers? How many masks do you think we can provide for these important people who are keeping people safe from COVID?

Volunteer Training

Volunteer Training is required for parents and carers who would like to be involved in specific school activities like excursions, learning assistance, coaching sporting teams, and any other similar activity requiring independent supervision of students.

Please note than canteen volunteers are not required to undertake the training unless volunteering in other classroom-based roles.


Steps to becoming a registered volunteer:

  • Organise a Working With Children Check (WWCC).  Complete the attached form and bring to the school office with your 100pt identification.
  • Complete Valuing Safe Communities online training which takes about 30 minutes.  The certificate issued at the end of the training is to be shown to school office staff for verification.

Read the following policies before attending the in-house workshop:

Child Safe Policy

Child Safety Code of Conduct

Staff and Student Professional Boundaries

Attend a Volunteer In-house Training Session which will be held on Tuesday 22 September at 2.15pm. 

To register your attendance or for any other queries, please contact the school office.


LLL Survey

Lutheran Laypeople's League care about customer’s experiences and want to hear from depositors across Australia. This survey is open to LLL depositors until 18 September.

By completing the survey, you have the chance of winning one of ten $100 prize deposits (deposited into your LLL account).

All feedback, positive or negative, is greatly appreciated.

If you would like to participate in the survey for your chance to win, enter here:

Growing Faith at Home

Mercy: To let someone off the hook. To free someone from the cost of their offence (even when retribution is warranted). 

How is this accomplished? Through forgiveness. 

It is not always easy… I’m sure you would have a story or two to about when you have either received or shown mercy towards someone.

This week’s GFH resource provides some thought provoking questions to ask those near and dear to you.

Georgie Schuster

Vacation Care

Programs for the upcoming school holidays are available from OSHC and the front office. Bookings must be placed using the printed forms only.

School Fundraiser

The school holidays can be a wonderful time for families and friends to come together and enjoy fun activities, dining options and shopping experiences.  This is the perfect opportunity to make the most of utilising an Entertainment Membership and saving on all those family favourites, not only for the school holidays but all year round!

Good Shepherd gets 20% from all sales for fundraising projects around the school.

Little Lambs Playgroup

We are back again this Friday. Bring a coffee (if you would like) and join us in the Church Hall.

 We would love to see you there!

Georgie Schuster

Uniform Shop Opening Times

Tuesday:  8.00am - 10.30am

Wednesday:  12.30pm - 3.30pm

Friday:  1.00pm - 3.30pm 

Please contact Dani, our Uniform Coordinator for all your uniform enquiries.


The canteen is open for recess and lunches on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

Online QKR! orders must be placed by 8.30am (or even the night before), with separate orders for each child. 

Please note that Hot Dogs are currently unavailable, due to supplies coming from interstate.

Next Week

Soup:  Potato, Leek and Bacon or Chicken Noodle.

Recess special: Party Pies, Nachos and jelly cups.