a family blessed

In the early chapters of the Bible we read the account of God’s creation of all things including humanity and His declaring that it was ‘very good’ (Genesis 1 and 2). 

Sadly, not long after this Adam and Eve are deceived, they make a bad choice and sin enters the world. This not only separates us all from relationship with our loving Father God, but also damages His good creation (Genesis 3). The ‘Good News’ is that God loved us too much for that to be the end of the story (John 3:16). 

Enter Abraham and Sarah, The beginning of a great family, a nation that would ultimately bring us the baby Jesus who would grow up to become our sacrifice and saviour taking the sin of the world upon himself and restoring us and creation back into right relationship with our God.

When Abraham was 99 years old God appeared to him and said that his offspring would number more than the stars in the sky, and God declared and continues to do so that nothing is impossible for Him (Matt 19:26 and Genesis 18:14). 

He also says to Abraham that: 

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.  Genesis 12.2 

So as followers of Christ this promise applies to us, we become the children of Abraham and even more importantly the sons and daughters of God. We are blessed to be a blessing. We are blessed because Christ did what was impossible for us, he defeated sin and death on the Cross so that we could be restored to relationship with our Loving Creator. 

How are we a blessing? We are a blessing when in the power of His Spirit we speak, act and live in a way that points others to the loving arms of our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.

Jason Urquhart (Lay Chaplain)

Endeavour College

Victory Church: KIDGO

KIDGO Holiday Program is back and is “Going Retro!”. It’s a jam-packed day full of fun, games, jumping castles, praise parties and so much more! AND to top it off it’s only $25 per child until 5pm on Wed 16 September. 

We’d love to see you there.