Visual and Creative Arts

Year 10 Art 

During Headstart, the Year 10 Art Students were invited to think about the Theme for 2022: ‘Compassion’ and an artwork that was going to be made during their transition from Year 9 to Year 10. 


Earlier in the year, I had asked our Maintenance Team to collect some of the trunks from the trees that were cut down in the school grounds. I thought using wooden discs as a canvas would be a creative way to start the conversation about sustainability and be able to use the warm tones of the wood as the background of their pieces. On the wooden discs the students printed their circular design onto the surface and then painted around the edges. 


The students designs focused on ‘Compassion’. They were asked to reflect on a time they felt compassion or a time they were compassionate and created a design filled with symbols and elements to represent this.


Here you can see the girls working on their artworks and some examples of the final outcome.

Creative Arts Exhibition  - Catholic Week 

The two students who have been accepted to exhibit their Studio Artwork from 2021 for the Creative Arts Exhibition during Catholic Week are Bo Johnstone with her piece, ‘The Internal & External Systems of Humans’ (mixed media) 

and Sarah Howard with her piece, ‘Vibrant Bark’ (acrylic paint).

Exhibition Details


Catholic Leadership Centre. 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne 3002

Dates / Times:  

15 to 18 March

9.00am to 4.00pm.

NB: There will be extended hours on Wednesday 16 March from 9.00am to 7.00pm

Saturday 19 March

12.00pm to 4.00pm


In order to attend the exhibition families are required to make prior bookings HERE and follow the COVID guidelines. Vaccination passports will be checked. Nobody will be allowed access to the gallery without a prior booking.

Sonya Hood

Learning Leader: 

Visual and Creative Arts