News of the Week

Dear Parents/Carers,
Wow another term is nearly finished. There is always so much happening at our wonderful school. Enjoy reading about all the events in our community and the accomplishments of the students.
The Feast of the Sacred Heart is tomorrow (Friday 16th June. It celebrates Jesus’ divine love for humanity. The whole school are all walking to church to celebrate this Feast Day. We have been collecting donations for St Vinnies and will continue to do so until Monday morning when the team from Mordialloc will come to collect our donations. These donations are going to families struggling during this cost of living crisis. It is not too late to bring your donations to Tracey or Fiona in the office.
What a great effort from our members of Running club this week:
We ran:
Total laps = 350
Km run = 17.5km
total km = 69.5km
We are still on the Hume Fwy/ National Hwy and we are passing Wallan.
Student leaders from St Brigid's, St Marks and St Finbars worked with MACS staff to provide a student voice in Policy Development. The students gave their opinions on what is important in an Acceptable Use Policy and related videos. The students discussed areas such as Cyber-safety, Cyber-bullying and Artifical Intelligence.
Can you tell us a bit about what happened today?
Saorise - It was interesting to hear what other schools had to say about Cyber-safety. It was fun that everyone had different opinions and ideas.
Ethan - It was nice to meet other students and to hear their ideas. I enjoyed doing the activity and socialising at morning tea. It was one of my best days at school.
Josh - I liked the fact that everyone became friends quickly. We got to know each other. At first I was excited, but it was even better than I thought. Everyone had different ideas and thoughts that can be used by MACS in the future.
Emi - It was a memorable opportunity that I am grateful to be chosen for. Socialising with students from other schools creates inter-school relationships. It was the first time I ws aware of MACS taking students opinions into account and it was special to be part of helping create the Student ICT Acceptable User Agreement.
Lucy - It was a great day where we were able to put our input and ideas into something that will help all Catholic schools in Melbourne. It was a great way to create new friends with people from other schools and to help MACS create an even better Student ICT Acceptable User Agreement written by the students for the students.
As a group we liked that we were being asked our opinions and that our voice will be taken into account in the new MACS Student ICT Acceptable User Agreement. We appreciate being chosen to be part of this.
We are in the finals! Our interschool sports team has been utilizing their teamwork skills really well. When we had a home game, we played at Doug Denyer and most of our games were won by a breeze. We played St John Vianney's, Mordialloc Beach and Mentone Park. The team gave it an almighty go but it couldn't have been done without our amazing coach Mrs Hughes. She started being a coach not knowing much about soccer but our team told her about it, and made her into a professional teacher and coach. Wish us luck in our finals this Friday! Good Luck on Friday .
Matilda Yr 6 - Matilda is preparing for the student led conferences by making slide shows relating to religion and making arts and crafts. Matilda is looking forward to showing her parents the knowledge she has and what she can do. Matilda is looking forward to the half day that the student led conferences are on. Matilda is excited for the meeting with her teachers and she knows that the reason we are doing them is so the teachers can see where everyone’s at and inform the parents.
Nick Yr 4 - Nick is preparing for the student-led conference by making a times tables poster and a Mass poster. Nick is looking forward to showing his parents how he’s improved in math and reading. Yes, Nick believes his parents are looking forward to the student-led conference because they want to see his work.
Riley 1S - Riley has been preparing for the student led conferences by creating dogs with triangles for math. His class has also made care for the earth posters in recognition of the symbolism of caring. Riley is looking forward to showing his parents what work he has done.
Thank you to Emily's mum, Cleidi for walking with us to church.
Pip 1/2Y-
What was your favourite thing about going to church?
My favorite thing was walking to the church and listening to different readings.
What was exciting?
We got to go for a walk to the church with my friends.
What's your favourite thing about the church?
The designs on the windows and sculptures.
Billie 1S-
What did you learn?
I learnt how to be kind.
What was your favourite part about going to church?
My favorite thing was being with my friends and standing up.
What did you like about the church the most?
I liked the paintings and seeing Jesus.
Mekhi 1/2E-
What did you learn?
We learnt about St Mary Mackillop.
Was it a good experience?
Yes, it was a good experience because we learned about good deeds like helping people.
What's your favourite thing about the church?
Jesus’ cross is there because he will look after me.
Next Wednesday the 3/4 students are looking forward to attending church also.
The School Diary Competition starts on the 15th of June and ends on the first Monday of Term 3, the 10th July. Our School Diary Competition is when everyone can participate in a competition to design the 2024 school diary. You are given a piece of paper to draw your design. You have to include the year that the diary is for, our school name and what you think our school represents to you. If your design gets chosen your cover will be printed on all diaries for 2024.
Please remember that all classes are collecting old pens, textas, batteries and old plastic bags that can be brought in from home and put into their classes containers at school. The environment and sustainability group will be collecting all of your class items to see who has the most. A winner will be announced next term.
We are looking forward to 3/4K presenting at Assembly tomorrow. We will also be announcing our Aussie of the Month for June. All families are welcome to attend.
Written by the Archie Z, Lucy, Seb, Luke, Archie C, Emi, Lola and Ruby - Year 6 Environment & Sustainability Leadership Team
Semester 1 Reports Live @ 4:00pm on 16th June
On Monday all families should have received an email giving details of how to login to our new Report Portal. This email will provide you with a temporary password which you will need to change upon logging in. The new Portal will give families access to your child/rens past reports. TOMORROW at 4:00pm the Semster 1, 2023 reports will be made available through the Portal for parents to view.
Our Student Led Conferences will be held on Tuesday 20th June and concluding on Wednesday 21st June. Bookings close at 10:00am on Monday morning. Click here for the booking link and the booking code is: qbv6s.
SCHOOL WILL FINISH AT 1:20PM ON TUESDAY 20th JUNE FOR OUR STUDENT LED CONFERENCES. Teamkids will be open and bookings are now available.
Our students finish Term 2 at 3:15pm on Thursday 22nd June. The Tuckshop will be open on Thursday for over the counter sales only.
Friday 23rd June, is a School Closure Day - staff will be onsite undertaking Professional Development and preparing for Term 3. Term 3 commences on Monday 10th July.
One of our local residents - Mr George Greig dropped into the school today and donated a number of beautiful wooden puzzles and games that he has been busily working on at home in his shed. These precious items will be enjoyed by all the students at St Brigid's. Thank you so much Mr Greig.
Mrs Sullivan