Religious Education

Compulsory Unit - Semesters 1 & 2
Content Strands
- Language
- Literacy
- Literature
Religious Education focuses on the relationship between God and the world. Within the study of Religious Education at Mount St Joseph, students focus on the study of five different content strands across Year 7 to 10 through a variety of units. Studies include content on ‘Scripture and Jesus’, examining the role sacred scripture in both the development of the Christian faith and in humans relationship with God; ‘Church and Community’, examining the interaction between the Church and the call to participate in the body of Christ; ‘God, Religion and Life’, examining the search for meaning in life through ritual and meaning found it the light of God; ‘Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament’, examining the place of sacred ritual and personal prayer in spiritual union with God and ‘Morality and Justice’, where the Christian vision of freedom and dignity in all areas and aspects of life is examined.
Course Overview
This unit focuses on the key content strands within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne through a variety of key concepts such as compassion, change, power, justice, liberation, freedom, integrity of creation and charity using provocative questions to base their learning on.
What Will Students Learn
- Understand the connection between key figures within the Hebrew Scriptures and the key figures in the Christian Scriptures
- Key themes in the Hebrew Scriptures and the interpretation in modern times
- Understand some of the distinctive ideas, teachings and practices that arose from significant events in Church history
- Knowledge of the circumstances surrounding key teachings of the Church within their historical context
- The key strengths and challenges of cultural diversity in Australia
- The significance of indigenous spirituality for the Catholic Church in Australia
- The origins of the Eucharist and its historical development
- The role of the Eucharist in the Catholic Church
- Understand the nature of Catholic Social Teaching and the interaction between these and current Australian values
- The complexities in developing moral maturity and responsibility