Undertaking Accelerated Studies

Acceleration refers to students undertaking a single VCE unit during Year 10 (equivalent of one semester of year 11). Acceleration is offered to students who have demonstrated ability and commitment to their studies in Years 7 to 10. This pathway is not automatic, student data is analysed before offers are sent directly to students who qualify.
Students wishing to accept the offer to accelerate in one subject in Year 10 must carefully consider their current and past academic strengths and areas of growth. They need to research and investigate the most appropriate study that could best complement their learning strengths from a selection of subjects. They should be aware of the recommended subject background for successfully undertaking their nominated study.
The Selection Criteria:
The following criteria is used to identify students who will be offer the option to accelerate their studies:
- Consistently high level of commitment and persistent effort across all subject areas (B grades or higher in all assessment tasks).
- Demonstrated ability to write clear, coherent, well structured responses.
- Demonstrated ability to analyse and synthesise information.
- Demonstrated ability to work in a mature and cooperative manner.
- Able to cope with the demands of the accelerated study.
- Demonstrated ability to work independently, complete work reliably and submit punctually.
- Demonstrated ability to evaluate own learning and willingness to seek teacher assistance when appropriate.
- No intended period of extended absence for family travel, which could impact on the 90% attendance requirement required for satisfactory completion.
Students will be invited to undertake accelerated studies.
This will be based on Semester 1 results and behaviours, Year 10 students are identified as being ‘clearly-in’ category of being able to undertake accelerated subjects. Learning behaviours will also be considered in consultation with teachers.
The next steps
Students who qualify will be sent an email with an offer to accelerate. This email will include a link to a form to either accept or decline this offer and write a supporting statement on the personal attributes and learning behaviours that they possess that support their acceleration into VCE.
After this, those students accepting the offer will be able to add the accelerated subject during their online selections.
Further questions can be directed to the Director of Pedagogy and Innovation or the Learning Development Leaders.