Health & Physical Education

Core - Semester 1
Content Strands
- Personal, Social and Community Health
- Movement and Physical Activity
Course Overview
The Health and Physical Education course is a compulsory course at year 10. The course has two components, physical performance and written performance. The Health strand will have a focus on the overall health of young people and matters of health related to the Australian community. The course will cover focus areas around Food and Nutrition, Health Benefits of Physical Activity, Safety, positive relationships, Lifelong Physical Activities, Games and Sports, Alcohol and Other Drugs
What Will Students Learn?
- By the end of Year 10, students critically analyse contextual factors that influence their identities, relationships, decisions and behaviours. They analyse the impact of attitudes and beliefs about diversity on community connection and wellbeing. They evaluate the outcomes of emotional responses to different situations. Students access, synthesise and apply health information from credible sources to propose and justify responses to situations in the home, in the school and the community.
- Students propose and evaluate interventions to improve fitness and physical activity levels in their communities. They examine the role physical activity has played historically in defining cultures and cultural identities.
- Students identify and analyse factors that contribute to respectful relationships. They explain the importance of cooperation, leadership and fair play across a range of health and movement contexts. They compare and contrast a range of actions that could be undertaken to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.
- They apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging movement situations. They apply criteria to make judgments about and refine their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement performances. They work collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement challenges.
Core Elective - Semester 2
Content Strands
- Personal, Social and Community Health
- Movement and Physical Activity
Course Overview
Human Movement examines the biological, physiology, psychological, social and cultural influences combined with behaviours and practices that impact on performance. It focuses on the relationships between movement and making change to improve the components of fitness and over all individual physical fitness. Students will investigate the structure and function of the body and how it works to create efficient movement. They will examine performance enhancement in terms of training programming, recovery, biomechanics, sports psychology, risk management and ethics. They will use practical activities to underpin the theoretical understanding.
What Will Students Learn?
- Theory and practical components for the following areas:
- Skill acquisition which is about learning movement patterns
- Biomechanics which is efficient patterns of movement
- Physiology - acute and chronic responses to exercise
Core Elective - Semester 2
Content Strands
- Personal, Social and Community Health
- Movement and Physical Activity
Course Overview
In the study of Australian & Global Health, students investigate community health concepts in local, Australian and global communities. Health is a complex and dynamic condition that is impacted by many interrelationships between individuals and their behaviour within their physical and social environments. At an individual level, the study of community health and human development is about change, development and growth which is a lifelong process. This study looks at the nine National health priority areas in Australia. This study also looks at various health promotions programs and organisations which work to prevent disease and premature death in Australia.
What Will Students Learn?
- Australian Health
- Dimension of health
- How do we measure health
- Old public health
- Health promotion today
- Global Health
- Factors contributing to different health status
- Human development index
- Sustainable development goals.
Core Elective - Semester 2
Content Strands
- Personal, Social and Community Health
- Movement and Physical Activity
Course Overview
The Health and Physical Education course is a compulsory course at year 10. The course has two components, physical performance and written performance. The Health strand will have a focus on the overall health of young people and matters of health related to the Australian community. The course will cover focus areas around Food and Nutrition, Health Benefits of Physical Activity, Safety, positive relationships, Lifelong Physical Activities, Games and Sports, Alcohol and Other Drugs
What Will Students Learn?
- Physical education may include:
- Beach walks
- Fitness circuits
- Team sports
- Health topics include
- Fitness for life
- Respectful relations
Content Strands
- Beach Safety and Marine Environments
- Sustainability and Environmental
Course Overview
The Outdoor Education course is an elective course at Year 10 which has a theory and practical component. This elective unit focuses on marine environments, applying first aid in emergency situations, surf lifesaving skills, sustainability and biodiversity.
Students are expected to participate in practical activities that allow them to experience and understand outdoor environments and recreation activities across Victoria. These experiences include an overnight camp to the Mornington Peninsula, snorkelling, and bushwalking at Point Nepean national park. This elective unit focuses on group dynamics and leadership in the outdoors, environmental issues that affect Victoria, and Indigenous Australians relationships with the environment.
What Will Students Learn?
Students will have the opportunity to understand knowledge and skills in the following areas;
Marine Environments
- Develop skills and knowledge in beach safety, and lifesaving skills appropriate to beach environments.
- Learn and demonstrate first aid skills that can be applied to emergency situations in the outdoors and in marine environments
- Look at the importance of Marine National Parks for preserving biodiversity and ecosystems
- Investigate different marine environments found in Victoria and the flora and fauna that can be found there
- Explore the biodiversity of Victoria’s outdoor environments and its endangered species
- Investigate the impacts of climate change, greenhouse gases, and global warming on outdoor environments
- Look at the different ways we can reduce the impact we have on outdoor environments
- Research environmental groups and their actions to create a more sustainable world
- Learn about pest and introduced species and the impact they can have on ecosystems and biodiversity
Indigenous Australians Relationships
- Look at the way Indigenous Australians have a connection with the outdoor environment
- Explore how Indigenous Australians interact with the environment
- Research how these interactions and perceptions impacted on the environment, including the use of fire, decline or megafauna and sustainable practices
- Investigate local Indigenous areas and the cultural and practical differences
Environmental Issues
- Research local, statewide and national environmental issues that are having an impact on outdoor environments, such as the Great Forest National Park and the Adani coal mine.
- Investigate ways that people and environmental groups are lobbying government to make a change or difference
- Look at the ways in which these environmental issues may cause loss of biodiversity, destruction to ecosystems and habitats
Practical Skills
- Surf lifesaving rescue techniques
- First Aid including DRSABCD
- Setting up a campsite; including tent set up and cooking on trangias (camp stoves)
- Snorkelling
- Water safety
- Identifying and practicing sustainable practices in the outdoors.
- Identifying and practicing safe practices in the outdoors.
- Bouldering
- Tree planting