Planning Your Pathway

Year 10 is the final year of compulsory schooling, and as such it plays an important transitional role for students before selecting a pathway for the final years of their secondary schooling.
As it is a transition year, students are encouraged to use the year to develop good study habits and organisational skills in readiness for Year 11 and 12. It is also an important consolidation year in the areas that they may wish to pursue further. A good foundation in Year 10 will make the transition to the last years of secondary school much smoother. Students are also encouraged to continue to explore as many learning areas as possible while beginning to focus on their future pathways.
This handbook provides an overview of the Year 10 program offered at Mount St. Joseph Girls' College in 2024 and details the offerings for each of the domains. It is designed to assist students and their parents with the task of selecting an appropriate program of study. All students and parents are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the contents of this handbook, as well as using all the resources available, such as the Pathways Coordinator, Learning Mentor and subject teachers and Domain Leaders.