Sport News 

Sporting Achievements

Congratulations to Alliah who was selected in the Oceanic under 12 Rugby League side. This is a massive achievement to be selected, with a lot of very talented girls in the team. Well done Alliah and all the best for the upcoming South Coast trial. 


Congratulations to Zane who competed in the under 12 Qld Woolies Surf Grom comp last weekend. He surfed against a hot field and finished 3rd in the state for his age group. Well done Zane! This is a fantastic achievement. 



Last night our year 5 and 6 Tally girls oztag team competed in the grand final against Elanora State School. Even though undefeated throughout the season, they finished runner up in the finals. Well done girls. Great game! 


Athletics Carnival

Well done to all of our students who participated in the Junior and Senior Sports Day. It was great seeing so much determination, persistence, teamwork, sportsmanship and down-right Tally Way spirit over the last two days. Thank you to all of the parents and carers that came out and supported the students. A massive thank you to all of the teachers, teacher aides and Scotty and Jake for their help over the last two days. It is a massive team effort to get these events happening so that our students get out to show off their skills and determination. 


Congratulations to Dwyer, the winning house for our sports day! Our age champions will be announced on the first assembly back after the holidays. Congratulations to all of our age champions. Students that have qualified for the Oceanic Carnival will receive their notes in the first week back. Any student aged 10 - 12yrs old that finished 1st overall in their event automatically qualifies for the Oceanic Carnival.  


Term 3 Afterschool Sport 

We have a jam-packed term 3 of after school sport. Some are paid programs and some are free. Please see the table below along with the attached flyers.

Have a great week and see you next term!



Yours in fitness and Health 

Tallebudgera HPE Team