Message from the Principal 

James Penson 

Hi Greenhills and welcome back to school for the start of Term 3!

Term 3 is a very important term for schools. In fact, I would consider it the time where students can make the most learning progress as their confidence continues to grow, school routines are well established and we are still well away from the energy and excitement of the end of the year. 


Along with our focus and commitment to high levels of academic achievement, personal development and social, emotional we have a jam-packed calendar of events and activities this term. During busy terms like this, it is vital to stay informed by reading the newsletter, watching 2 Minute Tuesdays and logging into Compass regularly. It is also a great idea to keep a family calendar with all of the important things listed on it. Why not encourage your child to do this as well? They could even use the calendar function on an iPad or another form of technology. This would be great preparation for high school when there are even more dates to remember such as homework and assignments from at least seven different teachers!








Our builders took the opportunity of the school holidays to really push our project along. This included pouring the slab for the extension to our administration building which will include additional staff toilets, another meeting room and a larger first aid room.


With the steel frame being built we can also see the size or footprint of our new gym. This is very exciting and over the next few weeks there will be lots to see as this really starts to take shape. 



Every 3 or 4 years, our School Council undertakes an Expression of Interest process to select which Out of School Hours Care provider we will partner with. We are currently in the selection process for the period commencing in January 2024 through to December 2026. The feedback you have provided in our recent survey will assist our School Council team to make the best decision for our school community. 


If you have any specific feedback or would like more information about the process please contact me:  


This is a reminder that we need your support in finalising permissions and payments to any events, excursions or activities by not later than 48 hours prior to the event.

Excursions and incursions certainly offer our students rich and engaging learning opportunities but they are also a significant load for our staff to organise and run. 


Making sure you have completed the permissions via COMPASS at least 48 hours ahead of the event allows time for staff to make final checks on numbers and print out all the required paperwork and handbooks. These include the emergency contact details of those that attend so that in the case of an emergency we can ensure we have everything we need. These handbooks are printed and distributed to all staff attending and a copy is also left at the school office. Our staff need to complete this on the day before the event to minimise all the other requirements needed to do on the day itself.


This process will be strictly enforced. We will be unable to make telephone calls home on the morning of an event to follow up any missing permissions. If you are having trouble accessing Compass, need a hard copy of a permission form or require support to make a payment please let the office team know. We do not want any students to miss out on these opportunities and will do everything to support you prior to the day to ensure that everything is organized as it should be. 


16th August – Curriculum Day – on this pupil free day our staff will be developing our new School Strategic Plan based on our recent School Review and spending time enhancing our whole school curriculum documentation and instructional model.

6th September – Student Agency Conferences – on this day students just attend for the duration of their 15-minute conference. 


As I walk around our school each morning, I often see many students arriving late. This year we introduced a slightly earlier 8.50am bell with the aim being to provide students the opportunity to enter their classroom, say hello to their teachers and get organised for the day which starts at 9am sharp. We also still have the 8.57am music and 9am bell. This is the final reminder for students to be inside the classrooms and engage with our 15 minutes of whole school reading that runs from 9am – 9.15am. We need all students to arrive no later than 8.55am so that we can maximise our learning each day. Arriving at 9am when the bell goes is late. You would be amazed at the effect of even a few minutes late each day can have over a longer time frame. 


The Greenhills Primary School community has lost a wonderful past staff member this week. Marj MacDonald taught PE (and later Music) to many children during her career at Greenhills. She was an extremely respected, dedicated and hilariously witty teacher and friend, and will be missed and remembered by many.


Looking forward to a GREAT term ahead.




James Penson
