From the Principal

Dear Families,


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a wonderful Term 2. It has been very exciting to watch our students engage in a range of learning experiences, our community support the many events that we have had and our staff continue to provide rich and engaging learning opportunities for our students. I’m sure our students are looking forward to the school holidays after the busy term.  We hope all our families are able to rest and recover and enjoy a safe and happy holiday.


A message from Simon

Dear Families,


I’m sure our students are looking forward to the school holidays  and I  hope they all have a safe and happy holiday.


Over the past weeks I have been kept updated on school events by Amy, Carlo and many  of our wonderful staff.


I particularly enjoyed watching videos of the recent STEM expo and reading about all the other  student activities and achievements in the fortnightly bulletins.


I can see there’s been a great deal of success in Term 2. Our students' have had varied experiences to  develop the depth of  engagement in their learning.


I  am very grateful to our Leadership Team and Teachers for their enthusiasm and time spent in preparing and providing these opportunities for all our children. 


I had a bike accident on May 14 which required spinal surgery. Fortunately, I’m making excellent progress and I remain positive that I will make a full recovery. 


I have missed coming onsite to Galilee and whilst  I’m unsure when I will be returning, I hope it will be in the early stages of Term Three. I will continue to remain connected and directly involved through my contact with Amy and Carlo. 


Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and messages sent that have been passed on to me. They have been very much appreciated.




Simon Millar




It was fabulous to see our Stadium filled with all things STEM related on Monday afternoon. The students showcased their STEM learning with a very impressive display of prototypes, designs and explanations about what they have created to make a difference. Students were eager to share their work and keen to see what others have been working on. We would like to thank the students for their fantastic work, the teachers for putting it all together and packing it all away and our STEM Leaders Adrian Webster and Dan Booth for coordinating the event. 



Interschool Football


Last week our Senior Football team represented Galilee at the Lightening Premiership, playing against Catholic Schools in our District. They played with sensational sportsmanship and wonderful skill. We would like to thank Paddy Edwards and Share Gethings for supporting them on the day and the large number of staff who assisted with training the team this term. 


Student Leadership

On Wednesday this week a small team of Year 6 students attended the St. Kilda Town hall for a City of Port Phillip Leadership Day. 


Possible changes to Assemblies in Term 3

We are looking to survey our community to better understand how to continue with Assemblies next Term. We want Assemblies to be meaningful and a community building experience for all students, parents and staff, especially as we are trying to re-establish connections with our community in a variety of ways, post COVID. Please see the link to the survey we have created so that we can make an informed decision. Assembly Survey Link:



COLES Sponsorship for Galilee Kitchen Garden 

On Wednesday Coles South Melbourne officially opened their new Coles Local. 

Galilee are fortunate to partnership with Coles Local South Melbourne.

This ongoing community partnership involves a very generous $5000 grant towards our future Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden, a pizza oven and more!


Our students, Mr Martello and Ms Carnovale had a private tour of the store and it was incredible!


Well done to our students who represented the school and spoke very well at the opening of the store. 


We look forward to this fruitful community partnership.


Thank you to Coles and Kris, the Coles Local South Melbourne store manager. Make sure you go in and check out the store and say hello from us!


Formal Parent Teacher Conversations in Term 3

Galilee holds two formal Parent/Teacher Conversation events during the year where teachers and parents have the opportunity to meet each other and discuss a student’s progress and individual needs. The last formal Parent/Teacher Conversation was held in Term 1 this year. 


Our next Parent/Teacher Conversation is scheduled for Term Three. The date for this event is Thursday the 7th of September, from 8am until 5pm. The session times will be 10 mins in duration. This will be a normal school day for the students and students will be dismissed at normal time. You will have the opportunity to have your Parent/Teacher Conversation online or onsite. Further information will be sent out in early Term 3 about booking a time to meet with your child(s) classroom teacher. 


Important Information about Term 3

Looking ahead to Term 3, we are excited about all the events and opportuies we have planned for our students and the wider community community. Term 3, like most terms at Galilee, is jam-packed. We encourage you to keep a close eye on our Google Parent Calendar, Dojo and Newsletter so that you are up-to-date.


A brief outline of some important dates are below. Please note this list does not include all events. All events can be found on our Parent Calender. This list does not include specific details about each event, this will be supplied closer to the time.


Some Important Dates for Term 3

Week 1

  • Monday 10th July - Staff Only School Closure Day (GOSH is open for students who need care on that day)
  • Tuesday 11th July - Term 3 commences for all students
  • Friday 14th July - Sacrament of Confirmation for many of our Year 6 students at 5pm at Ss. Peter and Paul, South Melbourne

Week 2

  • Friday 21st July - Year 5&6 Hooptime Basketball

Week 3

  • Friday 28th July - Cozy up with a book day (students wear pyjamas to school)
  • Friday 28th July - Year 3-6 Movie Night 6.15-8.15pm

Week 4

  • Friday 4th August - Prep - Year 2 Movie Night 6-8pm

Week 5

  • Saturday 12th August - Soiree by the Sea Parent Gala - Encore St. Kilda 

Week 6

  • Monday 14th August - Staff Only School Closure Day (GOSH is open on this day)

Week 7 - Book Week and Book Fair

  • Monday 21st August - Grandparents Day at Galilee. Grandparents are welcome to attend a range of events at school in the morning
  • Friday 25th August - Book Week Dress-up Day. Everyone is invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character. A Book Week Parade will take place in the morning.

Week 8

  • Friday 1st September - Footy Colour’s Day and Father’s Day Celebrations. Students are invited to come to school dressed in their footy colours. 

Week 9

  • Thursday 7th September - Parent/Teacher Conversations (students will attend school for the whole day)

Week 10 - Galilee School Concert Week

  • Tuesday 12th September - First School Concert 6-7pm (all students will be involved and will need to attend)
  • Wednesday 13th September - Second School Concert 1.30-2.30pm (all students will be involved and will need to attend)
  • Wednesday 13th September - Third School Concert 6-7pm (all students will be involved and will need to attend)
  • Term 3 concludes for all students on Thursday 14th September at 3.25pm
  • Friday 15th September School Closure Day (GOSH is open for students)


We wish you and your family every blessing over the holiday peroid and we look forward to seeing you all back on Tuesday 11th July for the start of Term 3.


Kind Regards,


Amy Burns and Carlo Martello

Acting Principals

Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School