Sustainability @ TPPS

Winners of the 2023 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant
We are excited to announce that TPPS has won a $1000 grant to complete our grade 4’s ‘Healthy Animals, Healthy Us’ project! The project intends to educate our students about healthy eating and encourages them to consider how we can ensure that we eat nutrient rich fruits, vegetables and animal products. Understanding that the animals we eat need to have healthy lives and be fed healthy food, the students will redesign our chicken enclosure to include a variety of nutrient rich plants so that our chickens are able to have a healthy diet, live a happy life, and provide us with nutrient rich eggs.
This term, we have been learning about what we need to eat, and what chickens need to eat, to have a healthy diet. We have also spent some time taking observations about how the chicken enclosure works currently so that we can make some clever design improvements as we add more plants into the space for the chickens to eat. Check out our students at work below - they are researching nutrient rich plants and taking and recording their observations!
Next term, the students will design the space with lots of new plants and then will plant out the area following their design. We will update you as we make more progress - watch this space!
Please click on the link below to keep up to date with the everything our amazing school and students are doing to make Templestowe Park a sustainable school.
Click on the 'Home' section on the top right hand of the website to learn about all the things our students and school community do.
Our amazing Grade 6 Sustainability Leaders (Isabelle and Jamieson) have published their end of Term Blog post about different sustainability initiatives from the Term as well as an update from the Grade 4's potato cooking adventures!