
Respectful Relationships at Clyde PS Term 3


This term in Respectful Relationships, students will be working on topic 6: Help-seeking. Students will practise learning to solve interpersonal problems, identify ways to care for others including making and keeping friends. The importance of seeking help when dealing with challenges will be explored with a focus on practising seeking help from adults and peers.

As topic 6 concludes we will move onto learning about topic 7: Gender and identity. Throughout this topic students will be immersed in learning about how to reflect on their identity: likes, dislikes and strengths.  As the topic progresses students will develop an awareness of positive and negative gender norms and how they can challenge the negative gender norms whilst developing an appreciation of difference and diversity.



Term 2 Perfect Attendance


Congratulations to the Foundation B students that had the best attendance for term two. Thank you parents for valuing your child’s education and making sure your children attend school every day and on time.  Providing the best education for students is a partnership between home and school and we cannot do this without you.  Thank you and keep up the good work.

As a reward for the student’s wonderful attendance, they have chosen to have hot chips and a movie for one session.


Adding absences to Compass

There will be times when you child/ren will be absent from school (Illness, Medical Appointments, Family Holidays).  If you know that you child/ren will be absent from school, it is important to have their absences recorded correctly.  Using the Compass app on your phone is a great way to do this.  If you would like to learn or if you have any questions about adding an absence on the Compass app, please reach out to your classroom teacher or the school office, they will be happy to assist you.