Maths @ CSPS

Celebrating Remote Teaching and Learning

There is no doubt the Corona Virus has had an unprecedented impact on our daily lives. Just take a look at the way we educate now. I can honestly tell you, I never thought something like this would happen in my career. However, I wanted to celebrate the community, how we have pulled through this uncharted territory and were still here, teaching and learning together.

Celebrating Teachers 

When I sit through team meetings and planning meetings with CSPS teachers, I am humbled by the passion and determination they have to get learning right for the students they care so deeply about. Teachers have had to adjust their thinking and attitudes about how students learn online and how technology can be harnessed in teaching like never before; adjust their behaviour by seeking out people to support any technical needs for remote teaching; and adjust their emotions by reining in possible anxiety or frustration as new technologies are navigated and as different students engage with remote learning in different ways.  Well done CSPS teachers, your mathematics lessons are brilliant!

Celebrating Parents

I am also humbled by the support we receive from so many parents helping their child understand the concepts we are trying to deliver via seesaw. There are up and down days, but hands down our parent community have been so supportive and wonderful in being the middle man in this new remote learning journey. Thank you for measuring, baking, making paper planes, making sundials, counting around the house, and helping your child problem solve (and many more things).

Celebrating Students

Last but not least, I am celebrating our students. I am proud of the learning by CSPS students grasping a new way to learn, communicating with teachers and helping to teach their parents new technology. I have loved the practical exploration in mathematical concepts being explored in and around your home. Well done CSPS students, you are amazing!


Participation report

Top StudentsActivity Points
Wil C18340
Zavia W17540
Caleb V18190
Violet A17080
Ella I14810
Eboni W13560
Thomas C12910
James B11220
John C8980
Tyler P12350