Year Level News

Prep Father's Day Morning

On Wednesday 28 August we had our Father's Day morning in Prep. We were all very excited to give our dads a handmade card and colourful tie to wear on their special day. We made 3D cardboard houses together. First we decorated the houses then cut them out and folded them. They were pretty tricky to make but with some help from our dads we were able to complete the challenge!             



It was really fun decorating the houses and adding extra things like a chimney, windows, doors, fences and even a swimming pool! One of the Dad’s joked that his house had a Colorbond roof! We all loved having our Dad’s or special friend visit our classrooms!


We hope everyone had a lovely morning and a special day on Sunday!


The Prep Children

Prep Author Visit

As part of our Book Week celebrations, last week the Prep students were lucky  enough to have a special visit from Author, David Chalmers. David read his children’s book 'The Boy with a Fox on His Head' which was inspired by real-life events with his son Rio. The Prep students had a chance to ask him lots of questions and also made their own fox mask  to take home.  They even got to meet David’s son Rio! 

Thank you to David for donating a copy of his book to the school library for all the children to enjoy!

Prep Movement!

A little bit of 'Prep Movement' to the bell music at line up on Footy Colours Day!

Year 1 Car Expo

To celebrate the end of our Unit of Inquiry exploring 'How Transport Has Changed Over Time', last Friday (23 August), the Year One students were involved in a Car Expo. Vintage cars were on display thanks to our wonderful families, and all the children received a showbag from 13CABS! Please enjoy the student reflections below.




I got to beep the horn in one of the cars and in the very, very old car! That was amazing! Matilda N (1A)


On Friday lots of people brought their cars on to the oval. My favourite car was the first taxi ever. It is 96 years old. I loved listening to the beeps. Toby M (1A)


Last Friday all the Year Ones had a Car Expo and six people brought in their old fashion cars. A few of them were from different countries. There were taxis, old fashion shiny cars and there was a very old fashion cab. The windows were held up by a strap and you had to wind up other car windows. All of the cars used an engine. It was great. Uma T (1C)


Last Friday we had a Car Expo. My favourite car was the Yellow Cab co. because everything in the car you had to use your hands. He was someone from a company called 13CABS. He gave us a show bag. Then there was the sports car. It didn’t have a roof but when it is raining, there’s a cover you put over when it’s raining. Someone got to honk the horn! Jimmy C (1C)


On Friday there was a Car Expo. We saw lots of different cars. They looked very different to the cars we see today. My favourite part was seeing all the cars! Matisse P (1D)


On Friday we had a Car Expo. People brought in cars that were old fashion. I learnt that the old fashion cars are much, much louder than new cars. Xavier A (1D)


On Friday last week we had a Car Expo. It was so cool. I think my favourite car was the one with leather to pull up the window. It was the 96 year old taxi. My favourite part was when we got the goodie bags! Curtis L (1B)

Year 4 Nervous System Presentation

Last Thursday (29 August), Angus Ross (2D Classroom Teacher) shared his knowledge and skills as a qualified Physiotherapist with the Year 4 students. He gave a very informative and interactive presentation on the Nervous System as part of our current Unit of Inquiry, 'Who We Are'.



Mr Ross explained how the nervous system is responsible for sending warning signs through our nerves to our brain, instructing our body to react to situations/stimuli. He also demonstrated how a physio can assesses the Nervous System by:

  • Using a hot/cold spoon to test temperature
  • Sharp / blunt sensation testing
  • Use of a ‘tendon hammer’ to test knee reflexes
  • Stretching muscles to check for nerve sensitivity and flexibility.

Visit to South Melbourne Primary School 

On Friday August 23rd, six students from Beaumaris North Primary School went to South Melbourne Primary School to share a problem we had identified within our school community. The students which were selected from an elimination process were, Hannah M (4A), Clementine G (4A), Georgia H (6B), Hudson G (6D), Emmanuel B (6D) and myself, Elsie C (4C).



The day started with recess where we ate and played in the playground in front of the new South Melbourne Primary School. The school was huge. It had seven stories and a basketball court on the roof! We all realised how different it was very from our school as there were no fences around the school or no oval to play or kick the football on.


After recess we went up into the building were we were welcomed by the South Melbourne Primary School teacher and students. We were one school out of nine schools there to present. Initially when I first sat down I saw around 100 students and I felt quite nervous however, excited at the same time. My nerves were quickly shaken away when we played a game called Ice Breakers. We got into groups where no one from the same school could be in the same group. Once we were in our groups we got a dice and if we rolled a one we had to answer a question about ourselves. The question we answered depended on the number we rolled.


After the Ice Breaker game, we started to present our school community problems and ideas. Beaumaris North Primary School went third. We presented our problem and idea. Our problem was to do with our student wellbeing within our playground. We also presented our idea which we have to solve using technology. Our idea was to be able to talk to the teacher through the use of technology. Once we presented all the other school students have the opportunity to give us feedback on a piece of A4 paper. After each school had presented their ideas we had lunch in the playground.



After lunch a person named Josh came to talk to us about coding. Josh was a 19 year old and an ex-student from Elwood Secondary Collage who had coded his first game and sold it on the app store for mobile phones when he was 15 years old. He now works for a gaming company and is working on big projects for Play Station and X-Box. He said that there has to be three jobs in a project, the artist, the coder and the director. He showed us lots of the games he had helped code, it was very interesting.

After Josh left we did this challenge that Miss Tilley and Mrs Boston had organised. It was called the Spaghetti challenge. In our original Ice Breaker groups we each got a bag filled with, 20 pieces of spaghetti, a metre of string, a roll of sticky tape and one marshmallow. The challenge was to build the tallest tower we could with the marshmallow on top in seven minutes. At the end of the seven minutes our tower fell down which was sad.

Then it was time to go. We went down to the carpark where we meet Hannah’s mum. She drove us back to school with 15 minutes to spare. Altogether it was a terrific day and I loved it! Our robotics team is now meeting once a week to brainstorm and create a solution to our problem using technology. We look forward to November were we get to meet with the other students from all the other schools to launch our solution and see all of their developed solutions to their problems too.


Elsie Crompton (4C)

Year 6 Rice Paper Rolls

As part of their Wellbeing program focusing on health eating, last Thursday the Year 6 students enjoyed making rice paper rolls!