Music News

Luca K (5B)

At the end of Term 2, I was delighted to hear Luca K (5B) sing and accompany himself on piano, at the Instrumental Music Soirees that are held twice a year. I was so impressed with his tuneful singing and professional approach to the performance that I asked Luca if he would sing for the school at an Assembly. This took a little coaxing, but finally, last Monday, we all had the pleasure of listening to Luca sing 'Let It Be', by the Beatles. Luca kept his nerves in check and produced another stellar, professional performance - please watch the video below!

Thank you to Luca’s parents for their support of his artistic endeavours, as well as being his “roadies” for the Assembly (they brought his familiar electric piano from home, as well as sound gear!).


Congratulations, Luca. You are an excellent example of a student who is a risk-taker and shows genuine commitment to perfecting your craft.

The Music Team


Jo Ratten
Audrey Fine
Dianne Ullmann
Jo Ratten
Audrey Fine
Dianne Ullmann