Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Lachlan Noble


Bookings for Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences can now be made on Compass. These interviews are an excellent opportunity to discuss your child’s progress and strategies to support their academic work. We look forward to seeing you at this important event on Thursday 12 September. Students are required to attend the conferences in full school uniform; there will be no scheduled classes on this day.


Parental consent and payment for students’ participation in College excursions can usually be processed on Compass. The information on Compass will include a deadline for consent/payment that must be adhered to, to enable the College’s staff to finalise bookings, transport, etc. Please contact the College if you need assistance using Compass.


At this time of year there are always viruses going around. If your child is really ill, school is not the place to be for their own well-being. Some students have attended school recently when they are clearly unwell and have been sent home again. Not only is this uncomfortable for the student concerned, it also spreads the illness in the school community. Please keep your child home if they are too ill to come to school.  


Managing the presence of visitors to the College is critical to maintaining the safety and well-being of staff and students. Requests (by family members, for example) to meet with students will be determined by the Principal, considering the best interests of the child and the safety and well-being of the College’s staff members.  


To minimise disruptions to the regular school program, parents should only attend the school to deliver and collect their children at the commencement and conclusion of the school day (or earlier if the child is ill, has a medical appointment, etc); in such instances parents/carers do not need to sign in. Parents/Carers are discouraged from attending the College to meet with their child. 


If parents/carers need to attend at the College due to an emergency, they should attempt to contact the school prior to their attendance. Save for emergency situations, parents/carers should only be at school for scheduled meetings with staff members and pre-arranged volunteering.


All visitors are required to come to the General Office; parents/carers and former students are not permitted to move around the College grounds throughout the day.