Assistant Principal's Message

World Teachers Day

World Teachers Day (WTD) is celebrated in Australia each year on the last Friday in October. This year it is on the 25th of October. The theme this year is "Young Teachers; the Future of the Profession". World Teachers Day is an initiative of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and has been celebrated since 1994. The day commemorates the 1966 UNESCO recommendations concerning the rights and responsibilities of teachers all over the world. This involved issues such as training, recruitment and teaching and learning conditions. WTD has become an occasion to celebrate the teaching profession. The following is a message from UNESCO in conjunction with UNICEF and the International Labour Organisation.


"With the theme: “Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession,” we recognize the critical  importance  of  reaffirming  the  value  of  the  teaching  mission.  We  call  upon  governments to make teaching a profession of first choice for young people. We also invite  teacher  unions,  private  sector  employers,  school  principals,  parent-teacher associations,  school  management  committees,  education  officials  and  teacher  trainers  to  share  their  wisdom  and  experiences  in  promoting  the  emergence  of  a  vibrant teaching force. Above  all,  we  celebrate  the  work  of  dedicated  teachers  around  the  world  who continue to strive every day to ensure that “inclusive and equitable quality education” and the promotion of “lifelong learning opportunities for all” become a reality in every corner of the globe."  

Below is a clip from the NSW Minister for Education Sarah Mitchell.


WTD Message from the NSW Minister for Education


So celebrate your teachers on Friday. Remember a teacher that had an influence on who you are today, Perhaps you can send them a note of appreciation. Teachers at O'Connor will have a morning tea on Friday.

Upcoming Events

October 28 and 29 - Valid (Science) Testing (Yr 8).

October 31- 2.20pm Year 11 into Yr 12 Information afternoon

November 1- 9.15am Whole School Mass (All Saints Day). Vinnies group working working with the Stroke Recovery Group. 1.30pm.

November 2- All Souls Day.

November 5- Questacon visit.

November 6- 9.15am Year 10 Mass.

November 10- 5.30pm. Youth Mass at the Cathedral.

Thank you ..

For your ongoing support & Cooperation




Damian Roff

Acting A.P