Year 8 Health and Physical Education

Year 8 Health and Physical Education
Students will refine Fundamental Motor Skills by accessing a range of sports which demonstrate a deeper understanding. These sports may include but are not limited to Basketball, AFL, Futsal and European Handball. In addition to this, students will undertake a theory-based Health component, which will average 1 period per week over the course of the year. This course focuses on Mental Health, Healthy Lifestyles and Safe Socialising (including drug education and respectful relationships).
Movement and Physical Activity
Personal, Social and Community Health
Personal and Social Capability
Students will learn to:
- Evaluate strategies to manage personal, physical and social changes that occur as they grow
- Practise and apply strategies to seek help for themselves or others
- Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing
- Analyse factors that influence emotions, and develop strategies to demonstrate empathy and sensitivity
- Develop skills to evaluate health information and express health concerns
- Plan and use health practices, behaviours and resources to enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of their communities
- Plan and implement strategies for connecting to natural and built environments to promote the health and wellbeing of their communities
- Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills
- Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts
- Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies
- Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components, and create and monitor personal fitness plans
- Investigate the cultural and historical significance of a range of physical activities
- Evaluate and justify reasons for decisions and actions when solving movement challenges
- Modify rules and scoring systems to allow for fair play, safety and inclusive participation