Principal's Message

Mrs Josie Crisara
Weekly Prayer
The last two weeks of term were a flurry of exciting activity with the VET Music Industry evening showcasing the great work being done by our Year 11 and Year 12 VET Music students. There was a mix of jazz, acoustic guitar, musical theatre, bass guitar and small band performances. The Cumberland students put together some excellent concerts on the theme ‘We Belong’. The induction of our College Chaplain was a great way to welcome Rev Gavin Blakemore. Our Year 12 students completed the GAT (General Achievement Test) and did so off site as we were not able to accommodate all the students on site for this important event. Dunhelen students and the Year 10 Theatre class have been busy preparing for the Middle School Play in term 4. Students have been involved in community service activities, environmental initiatives and our College Captains presented Chapel this week to the secondary students.
Thank you to all the parents and staff who have supported or organised these College events.
We have a number of staff on Long Service Leave during term four, including Mrs Wendy Mollica, Ms Graziella Carta, Mr Steve Rogers and Mrs Josephine Motti. We wish them well during this time of rest and renewal. We welcome the following replacement staff: Mr Andrew Pharoah (Science), Mr Rhys Sweatman (Indonesian and History), Ms Aine O’Neill (Library) and Ms Gagal Athwal (Business). We also say farewell to Ms Bethany Nicholls who is travelling overseas to teach and we welcome Mr James Docherty as her replacement.
Wishing all the students a safe and happy spring holiday break.