Parents & Friends Association

Hip Hip Hooray it's the Holidays! We did it; we survived another term of school lunch boxes. Great ready for a fun packed term 4. Kicking it off is the:
Trivia Night
Fancy yourself a trivia quiz buff? Or maybe you are looking for a night out full of many laughs. Aitken’s Annual Trivia Night will be held on Friday 7th October. In the Kitchen Garden Centre. Grab a group together and book a table for 10-12 people or come along and we can help you join a table. It's a great way to meet other Aitken College parents. Tickets will be $10.00 per person.
Fun Run
Get excited for a wonderful day out! Save the date for this year's Fun Run on Sunday 13 November 2022 from 8.30am. Warm up will be held from 9.00am and the Fun Run event will start at 9.30am! So, dust off your running shoes and grab your family and friends and come along to a morning of fun fun fun! If you do not want to participate in the Fun Run, you can come along and cheer on your friends. Families will soon receive an information pack for the Fun Run. Once you receive your registration forms you can start your fundraising. There are some really great prizes up for grabs.
Pre-loved Uniform Donations
If you have Aitken College uniform items at home that are no longer in use and are in wearable condition, we would love to have them. The Parents and Friends Association clean and iron the donated uniform items and re-sell them at our quarterly Pre-loved Uniform Sales with all the funds going back to the Parents and Friends Association fundraising account. The items can be dropped off in our clothing bin near the main Reception. Please remember that the items need to be in a wearable condition and we do not have a market for re-sale on Aitken socks.
Pre-Loved Uniform Sale
It is hard to believe, but next term the students will be back in their summer uniform. If you need to get some new summer uniform items, please come to our Pre-Loved Uniform sale to be held:
DATE: Saturday 8 October 2022
TIME: 9am - 12pm
LOCATION: Common Room 1
We will be accepting cash and cards (a 1.9% transaction card fee is charged)
All funds raised from the Parents and Friends Association activities go back into running events and purchasing additional equipment for the school.
Thank you for your support. Have a safe and relaxing holiday.
Mrs Allison Phelan
Parents & Friends Association President