
Mr David Murphy
Year 12
At the end of term 3, Year 12 students have all finished their coursework and are well into revision for final exams; they are rapidly approaching the end of their time at Aitken and the beginning of the next chapter in their lives.
I commend all Year 12 students for the way they have approached their academic work during the last term. I also highly commend the group for their excellent and positive leadership of the Aitken College student body.
This can be a stressful time in the lives of Year 12 students and their families; maybe even more so for this group of students who have endured a once in a century event, which saw us deprived of the basic need of human contact.
Whilst every student and family experiences events uniquely and must navigate their own way through these difficult periods, I would like to pass on some ideas which have proved useful in the past.
Parents of Year 12 students are encouraged to be understanding during this very stressful time. It is only with the full and active support of the family that a student can perform at their very best. When looking for ways to help your children through this period, you might like to consider the following points:
- This is an emotionally charged time. If you sense your child is getting stressed, they may need a little space and opportunity to let off some steam on their own; crowding them, if they are feeling this way, will only contribute to their stress.
- Your child might want to talk. In this case your job is to listen, resisting the natural urge to offer advice. Often a stressed child will want to unwind by just telling someone about what they’re feeling and going through; if your child feels this way, try and be an empathetic listening partner.
- Try to forgive or tactically ignore minor indiscretions. A child under the enormous pressure of final exams will not always behave perfectly.
- When a guiding hand is needed, be positive. You will recognise when your child isn’t applying themselves to their work properly. If you see this happening, try to encourage them by helping them set study goals and put some rewards in place for good work. Being angry or badgering will only make the situation worse.
Student Leadership 2023
Congratulations are due to the group of students who nominated themselves for student leadership positions for 2023. All nominees spoke at a Brookhill Assembly, and all speeches were of outstanding quality.
Mrs Crisara has interviewed all candidates, and the student body has voted on their preferred nominees. The 2023 student leaders will be announced at an assembly early in Term 4.