From the Management Team

Each term the College has a theme. The theme gives a spiritual focal point for our devotions and Chapels. This year we have been looking at the College mission statement phrase by phrase. 'A place where students and staff can develop their God-given gifts and abilities for LIFE and community.' The particular focus for this term is the phrase `for LIFE'. LIFE, as covered in previous articles is an acronym for Living in Faith Everyday.


It has been very interesting to listen to the many ways in which this phrase has been made real for people. People have shared about what living in faith is for them, and none was more powerful than our Chapel this week. A series of senior students spoke candidly about why they have a faith and what living in faith means for them. The students and a staff member on the panel spoke about security, a shared purpose and the freedom and confidence they have due to being able to live in faith each day.


The sense of shared purpose speaks to me as being particularly important. We are a Christian College and our main focus is education. That is our most basic point of connection. What that looks like every day at this College can be seen in some of the recent examples below that you or your child, may well have been a part of!

  • Our recent sporting teams who have competed for the College and represented the College not just competitively on the court/field but as positive role models between and within matches. This includes the community basketball and netball teams
  • The courageous Debating teams who work together at lunch times
  • The knitting group that is meeting every Friday to learn to knit squares to be sewn together as a blanket to be donated to a homeless shelter
  • Course counselling conversations with families of students moving into Year 11 and 12. What a privilege!
  • Learning Conversations in Week 9
  • The Strategic Planning sessions that students and staff have been a part of
  • The ongoing planning for our 25th Anniversary Celebrations
  • The Year 7 Sustainability Exhibition and the preparations that are happening with Spirited in Year 8 among other activities

What underpins all of this for our College is the Endeavour Way and the Vision for Learners. This puts our shared purpose front and centre in every classroom, in every interaction, every day. How can we all be showing, Love, Courage, Forgiveness and Hope and working towards developing skills of Independence, Interdependence and Collective Action? What is it that I can do this day, week, term that supports the shared purpose of the College?


Sandra Barry

Director of Learning