How is this going to benefit my sport?
Sports Excellence
One question I’m often asked by athletes in the gym is the one above; “How is this going to benefit my sport?”
Athletes want to know that the hard work they’re putting in each training will illicit some sort of response that will help them in their sport, whether it be on the football field, netball court, soccer pitch or any of the other sporting grounds.
The systems we have in place as part of the Sports Excellence Program are specifically designed to help athletes of any sport. Whether you want to get stronger, run faster, jump higher or become more injury resilient, our program is designed to help.
In this example from two of our year 12 athletes, we can see Lucy Holmberg (12 Jones) and Ben Cameron (12 Riley) working on some plyometric work. Playing football and Netball, both Lucy and Ben have these options put into their velocity block to maintain tendon health which will help prevent injuries whilst participating in their sport.
In the first Video, Lucy Holmberg (12 Jones) can be seen completing a Lateral Bound to 90-degree rotation; in the sport of netball, we require the ability to change direction as well as learn to stop suddenly.
The second video is of Ben Cameron (12 Riley) completing a Lateral bound (90-degree rotation) to box jump. The lateral bound is used to build explosive strength to burst away from the packs; we’ve then paired this with a box jump to change the vector from lateral to vertical. The box jump is a wonderful exercise as we can build explosive strength without the stress placed on our joints as a result of landing on the ground.
These exercises are just a small part of their Velocity block in their programs. They’ve worked their way up to the complexities of these exercises and always do them under the supervision of a coach at school.
We wish both these athletes all the best as they commence their finals on the weekend.
Mr Ben Furphy
Sports Excellence Manager