Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart School Community,
We would like to wish all our dads, grandfathers and carers a special day on Sunday as you celebrate the very important role each of you play within your family. I hope that each of you can find some time in your busy and challenging lives, to reflect upon the great job you are doing, and that your families can express their gratitude for your selfless care and commitment.
Students talk about their dads
Gail Martina: "He raised me up, he helps me with my homework and he gives me what I need."
Fortunato: "My dad helps me with everything, like school work and giving me education."
Natalie: "He is very helpful when people need help with their work. He is always doing things to help our school. When I ask him to play with me he always says yes."
Izaac: "He takes care of me, he help[s me when I need it and he loves me no matter what."
Michael: "I love my dad so much. I love him to the end of the night ."
Caitlin: "He always has time for me and he looks after me ."
Joseph: "My dad works so much. He buys me stuff."
Aylah: "My dad is nice, he takes us to fun places."
Tomorrow's Events
A reminder about tomorrow's two exciting events:
Football Day: Students are invited to wear their football club attire (and any other sport such as a soccer/basketball/netball if they do not have a football team to support). If students do not follow a sporting team, they can wear colored clothes. We have some sporting activities organised so students will need to wear their runners. Thank you to the Haley Family who have donated nine boxes of sausage rolls and another 12 boxes of party pies. I would suggest students still bring a small lunch and play lunch as normal. Lunch orders with Parade will also happen as normal and I will accept last minute orders in the morning.
Father's Day Pizza Night: A reminder we have a pizza night tomorrow night for our dads. It will commence at 6.30pm in the multi purpose room. It will be an opportunity to have a drink, play a few games and eat some pizza (Thank you Joane mum of Chloe in Year One, who has organised the Dominos donation). The night will finish around 8.30pm.
Congratulations Amanda and Brett
Yesterday our staff celebrated Amanda's upcoming wedding, by giving her "an authentic" wedding day experience minus Brett. On behalf of our school community, I would like to wish Amanda and Brett every happiness as they commence their lives together next Saturday. I know a two week honeymoon in Hawaii beckons with 30 degree plus temperatures - the perfect way to start any marriage, especially one which was delayed by COVID restrictions last year.
Yesterday's Professional Development
Yesterday our staff were privileged to spend the day with Sr Rita Malavisi talking about our faith, sharing our stories and committing to the very essence of why our school exists. The faith journey that we are each on, was shared in a spirit of trust and understanding.I can assure all our families that our staff are committed to ensuring our school's Catholic identity is privileged within a context of understanding and respecting the different faith practices of many of our families .
Hear what the Lord God asks of you.
To live justly.
To love tenderly.
And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
"The Fortunato"
These magnificent school beanies will be available for purchase next term. More details will follow. They are named "The Fortunato" in honour of our Year Four student who inspired me to organise the school beanie.
Please note, there will be no lunch orders next Friday 9th September. Parade College Preston Campus is closed on this day.
Year 5/6 Students visit Nino Child Care Centre
Yours Sincerely
Mark Tierney