Prep A - Judith T - For working her hardest when writing the letters of the alphabet and developing her independence to use strategies to help her grow as a learner. Well done Judith!

Prep B - Bonnie R - For consistently applying herself to all learning tasks. Well done Bonnie.

12A- Henni B - For having such a positive return to school after her fabulous holiday. 

12B - Kulin H - For using his manners and greeting staff with good morning and goodbye. Well done Kulin! 

12C- Minkarli A-T - For her fantastic attitude towards school. 

34A - Jaraua H - For his extra effort in getting to school early every day this week and for his consistent hard work. 

34B- Ashtyn S - For really making an effort to think about what we are learning in reading. I see you, and I see the energy you are putting into your work. If you keep this up, you will be going places! 

34C - Charli D - For her consistent willingness to contribute to classroom discussions and share her knowledge. 

34D - Patrick D - For his excellent efforts in summarising a fiction text during our reading block.

56D - Mary Hannah C - For her improved attendance and working hard in all her learning.






Prep B - Noah D - For developing his ability to combine two collections to find the total. Well done Noah, I love how hard you have been working in Maths. Keep it up!

1/2C- Elijah H - Working hard to show his understanding around place value. 

3/4C - Chase M - Working hard to develop his knowledge of the multiplication strategies and using these to solve times tables. 




Prep - Oscar P - For working hard to apply feedback to improve his handwriting skills. Well done Oscar.

1/2C - Teddy M - For his effort and persistence in Literacy. 

3/4C - Arthur M - Consistently trying his hardest to improve in all areas of Literacy. Keep up the wonderful effort buddy!



 Ryder D-L - For a great attitude towards self-reflection tasks.