Uniform Shop

Opening Times

The Uniform Shop opening times for collection by students are Tuesday and Friday mornings between 8.00am - 10.30am. Please note: Parents and family members are not permitted onto the school grounds at present.


The shop is processing on-line orders for collection by students on either a Tuesday or Friday morning during our opening times. At busy times we will be opening on additional days/times, students should check if the shop is open or a note with additional opening details is on the door.


We welcome students to purchase items over the counter however, due to a lack of space within the shop, there is limited ability for students to try-on before purchasing.  Refunds or exchanges should fall within the Refund/Exchange policy including not being worn, include all packaging, not labeled, and including proof of purchase having taken place within the previous 90 days.  These should be brought to the shop by students and we can exchange immediately if deemed falling within the policy or contact a parent.


For new students requiring full uniform, an appointment is necessary.  Please contact us on the below email to arrange a suitable time.

