School Captains' News


First day of school and it’s good to be back! The first day of year 6 just isn’t the same to any other first day I’ve had so far. I think it's the fact that you know that this is your last year of school and you want it to be the best one you’ve had yet, start with a boom and end with a boom. Gaby and I also went into a couple of other classrooms to see what some of the other grades thought of their first day, here is what some of them wanted to say. Ethan in year 5 says his first day was “fantastic” and really likes the new addition of the shops to the yard. Micheal in year five also likes the new addition and also says his first day was also “fantastic”. Oscar in year 4 says his first day was good because he had great fun playing with his friends in the new shops. I really think Mrs Moore deserves a pat on the back for coming up with the idea of these new little clubhouses because it seems like everyone absolutely loves them! It's like as soon as people set their eyes on them they just didn’t want to leave.  Earlier today Gaby and I even got to do a little photoshoot displaying them so you’ll all be able to find those photos on the class dojo (I think.) At the end of last year, all of year 6 got to meet our amazing new buddies which we all got to finally see again today. Being a buddy makes me remember what it was like to be a little prep again, and believe me when I say this, I've definitely had better years. Anyway, my first day in year 6 is right up the top with some of the best first days of school ever! Look forward to writing in the newsletter soon, but for now, bye! :)



First day back!! Everyone seems pretty happy to see each other again and from what I’ve seen, the new extensions to the playground have been a very popular place to bond and share stories about the holidays. Students have had a ball today, using words like fantastic, wonderful, different, and most importantly fun to describe their experience. Personally, my day has been better than most other first days in school, and I don’t think I’d be the only one saying that in my class, in fact, the whole school probably. I’ve been told that grade six is by far the best year in all of primary school, and by the end of today I can definitely say that for sure. This morning my fellow school captain, Noah, and I got to have a little photoshoot with Mrs Moore and Mr Earl in the little cubbies, and I have to say they are an extremely good addition to the playground. All lunch and recess they have been completely jam-packed and overflowing with joy and laughter. Anyway, I will probably be writing in the captain's news again soon, but until then bye!! :D