Senior School Report

Dear Senior School Community,
What a year 2021has been. It had many ups and downs but we are very glad to say our students showed great resilience and made it to the end of their Year 11 or 12 program and are ready for what 2022 will bring.
Highlights of 2021 were:
- Opening of the new Senior School building.
- Year 11 Health Immersion Days.
- Year 12 Health Immersion Days.
- Doctor Livesey Scholarship Presentation.
- Remote Learning and Remote Assessment Tasks.
- Performing and Visual Arts displays.
- VCAA external exams.
- 2022 Jumpstart Programs.
- Award Assemblies.
- La Trobe University Achieve Plus program.
The Senior School team want to congratulate all the students in the Senior School for what they have achieved this year. You have done yourself, your family and the school proud.
We wish all our families a safe and enjoyable festive season and look forward to working with the 2022 Senior School community.
Year 11 – Final Words for 2021
I remember first addressing the Year 11 Cohort in our initial Senior School Assembly at the beginning of Term 1. WOW!!! What a year it has been! My main messages then and now are quite simple…Be a good person first! Show communal respect and responsibility, be inclusive and take POSITVE risks.
I remember ending with a quote, telling students to ‘trust this next chapter, because YOU are the AUTHOR, and you are NOT alone. As you begin to reflect on this crazy year and set goals for 2022, I really hope you feel supported to take positive risks and to do your personal best, so your 2022 chapter is what you want it to be.
I would like to congratulate our Year 11 students and families for their hard work, maturity, support, enthusiasm and resilience shown during the 2021 remote and flexible learning school year. You are all unique and special!
Celebrating Successes – Year 11 Awards /Annual Awards Ceremony
This year our Annual Awards night looked a little different. It was pre-recorded and presented via our RHS YouTube Channel. Despite this change in format, it was wonderful to see so many students nominated for various award categories, and I had the pleasure of presenting awards to some very deserving Year 11 students. Our array of awards allows us to acknowledge a variety of student achievements – celebrating the diversity, excellence, and successes of our students.
Awards were presented to acknowledge successes across all Key Learning Areas and to celebrate our top performing students who have consistently achieved academic excellence and exemplary attitude to learning. The Principal Award acknowledges student leadership, academic excellence and exemplary attitude to learning across multiple domains and also acknowledges commitment to communal respect and responsibilities.
Congratulations to all Year 11 award recipients and their families. You should be very proud of your achievements. A fantastic CHAPTER in your BOOK!
More on Year 11 Awards - go to Awards page
A massive thank you to our School Staff and Leaders
I would like to finish by acknowledging the work of our wonderful teachers, educational support staff, Senior Leaders, Principal Class and Sub School Managers as we run, walk, hop or even crawl across the line this year. The commitment you have given to support, develop and/or deliver engaging and flexible programs for our students during these very unprecedented and often difficult times is immeasurable. You have worked tirelessly to ensure the best learning outcomes for our students and your adaptability, resilience and positivity has been amazing. For that, I say THANK YOU!!!
Have a fabulous, restful holiday break!!! Looking forward to working with our wonderful staff, students, and families in 2022 as Year 12 Coordinator.
Take care and stay safe.
Cheers Senior School Team,
Mrs Phillips - Senior School Office Manager
Mrs Gray - Year 11 Coordinator
Ms Lazarus - Year 12 Coordinator
Mr Sinderberry - Senior School Leader