VET Sport and Recreation

VSR Kaykin Expedition
In September the VET Sport and Recreation class travelled to the Glenelg River, in far Western Victoria, to participate in a 3-day kayaking expendition. Although the camp began with a rough start due to an overwhelmingly long bus ride - combined with poor music choices - it was the beginning of what our class will forever remember as an unforgettable ending to our two-year long course. Throughout the three days of continuous paddling we successfully voyaged over 50km, through the constantly changing climatic environments of Victoria’s notorious mixed weather, travelling over the Victorian/South Australian border. Beautiful limestone cliffs and nature exemplified our appreciation for the Aussie outdoors. As a class we overcame the frequent feelings of both fight or flight to realise that this was a clear demonstration of the skills and knowledge we had obtained throughout the duration of our course. This trip was a new experience for most and further demonstrated the opportunities we have received during our time. Overall, this camp was one to remember and a great way to conclude our time together as a class.
Kat MOUZIS, 11G & Sophie FOSTER 11C
VSR Snowboard Camp
From August 3rd to 9th the notorious Sport and Recreation class headed off to Mt Hotham to exhibit the fundamentals and skills required for snowboarding. Although the bus ride was really long and everyone was really tired, as soon as the class saw the first bits of snow this had all been forgotten and the memories of the first time at the snow began. Over the five-day period we stayed in a fantastic lodge and were privileged to enjoy the views and facilities. Every day we took about a million years to put on all our gear and head off to the meeting point outside the village of Mt Hotham, where we met our instructors who took us for our daily two-hour lesson followed by some time for honing our new skills in small groups about the mountain. An objective of the camp was to acquire an understanding of group facilitation: this was done through leading other groups through the purchasing, cooking and cleaning of a meal for all 25 attendees. Other goals and objectives aimed at us becoming competent in the snowboarding technique of linking turns. Everyone had so much fun falling constantly in the snow whilst trying to better themselves, and we are all so proud to say that we improved greatly. We created an even stronger bond within the class. On the Wednesday it started to snow. Everyone was ecstatic about the tiny flakes falling from the sky and over the next few days they grew and grew with an eventual total of 60cm of snowfall in the time we were there. We even had to take the long way back, via Omeo and Gippsland, because the road to Harrietville was closed due to the excessive snow. It was so beautiful; everyone enjoyed the fun of running through the snowfall, making snowmen, snow angels and having the obligatory snowball fight. Overall the camp was a huge success and the most important part was that everyone got to share a new experience as a group which has become so close-knit during our two years together as a class .
Marlena (Marlee) LANGE PIRRIE, 11G
Sailing trip 2019
On September 17th 2019 our Outdoor Education class went to Albert Park Lake for a sailing excursion. We met at the Renaissance Theatre bright and early to start the long journey by tram. On arrival we were taught how to set up and sail the boats. When we first got on the boat is was very difficult and stressful, trying hard to steer without making one side of the boat tip too much. It also wasn’t very relaxing for the passengers as they had to help keep the boat stable and balanced. None of us really wanted to capsize and we started screaming as the boat started tipping. Slowly we got the hang of it and found it somewhat relaxing, especially as the weather started warming up. Some of us did end up capsizing, myself included, but we all had a fun time on this trip. With the sun shining it was a great day to go sailing.
Gabrielle De JONGE, 9B